
How do i know if I like being a woman?

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Im a transsexaul




  1. As a woman, are you comfortable with yourself?

    Are you comfortable interacting with other women?

    Do other women feel comfortable with you as a woman?

    It's not really about "like", it's about being. In other words, having the mindset.

    Transsexuals for most part aren't desiring s*x change because they "like being a woman". It's about not being able to fit into the gender role they were assigned as.

    If you are a woman (genetic or m2f transsexual), you just know it.

    If you are not a woman, you will always look for something or someone to convince that you are a woman.

    With that in mind, think about what you just asked.


  2. That is a silly question.

    Like it or not you have no choice in the matter.   You just have to make the most of what you have got.

    Unlike the car you drive, you cant just trade in the old female body for a new one.  

  3. try not to label urself. jus do what makes u feel comfortable. wear what makes u feel comfortable, have the name that makes u feel comfortable. if u find out what u like, an who u are im sure the answers will follow naturalee ♥  

  4. You will know when you love yourself for who you are and that is how as simple as it can get  

  5. The most important thing is to be Kayla. If you are not certain that being female is for you it is most important not to do anything permanent ( you know what I mean) until you are. Some people having chosen to transition to female find the loss of status to be unbearable and go back to living as guys. Others find that it just isn't their true selves, they may be bigendered (of two genders), androgenous (both or neither genders) or some other gendered presentation. Not every trans person needs or wants to be entirely female. I can't really advise  you how you can tell. All I know is that personally I love being female and could never consider being anything else. If you don't feel that way yourself examine you options.

  6. Well first of all, are you a woman?  If so, what do you think about it?  Personally, I don't have strong feelings about being a woman.  I just happen to be female and don't think much about it.  If you're a guy, just look at how women are treated and ask yourself, "is that how I want to be treated?"

  7. Because if you didn't you'd know.

    A woman can be almost anything. The only think she really can't be is male. And if you wanted to be a man you'd know already. So you're good.

  8. You asked a question asking if you were g*y.

  9. Only by living as one

    Are you a transsexual or genetic female?

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