
How do i know if a capricorn male is in love?

by Guest57823  |  earlier

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How do i know if a capricorn male is in love?




  1. NOoooo clue. They may me sick at current

  2. Well Capricorns dont like to show emotions at all so it will be very tricky. I would say the best way is just to ask him. They are honest so he will tell you the truth, usually.

  3. Step back from labeling him as a capricorn and look at him.Just observe him.The indicators will be their regardless of sign.

    VERY informitive link.

  4. Capricorns are very cold on the outside. it takes us (i am cappi), a while to warm up to people even if we feel really good about them from the beginning.

    here are some tell tale ways of knowing if cappi is really in love with you:

    he brings you home to his house. he brings you to meet his family members, and i don't mean just his mama, i mean the whole family like at a family get together on the fourth of july or a special holiday like christmas or a relatives birthday party. he lets you drive his car, if you ask just to test drive it or to borrow it for a day, and if he says yes, then he is all yours. if he buys you a ring (doesn't have to propose). if he doesn't kick you out of his bed after s*x, or if he doesn't leave your house immediately after doing the deed. if he is protective of you or defensive of you. if he becomes jealous for you or possessive of you. if he starts to boss you around a little bit. if fights someone for you (if they disrespect you or make a pass at you etc) either verbally or physically. I can go all night with the list, but i will explain these a little better then let you alone.

    we don't trust others in our home unless we care about them. if they are not good enouhg for us to let into our home, they are not good enough to let into our hearts. family is sacred, we wouldn't bring a different girl around to each reunion or every time we see a relative for the first time in a long while, so we only bring those with us that we are serious about, and we are not serious about you unless we love you. we don't trust anyone to borrow our car or even to drive it with us in the passenger side. cars are expensive and we work hard to afford them and we work hard to keep them clean and ding free. our driving records are (usually) flawless so we don't want someone we dated messing up our insurance policy. if he lets you drive HIS car, he is sharing with you because he cares about you AND he trusts you. buying a ring is a seriuos gesture. he wouldn't do it even as a gift unless he was serious about you. many cappis will get the hump then run. if he sticks around with you for part of the day or even if he lies in bed next to you for a while then he isn't going anywhere without you and neither is his heart. cappis are jealous and possessive of our lovers by nature, but we are too self disciplined to show it most of the time. so if he slips up and shows his 'ownership' of you, then what it means is you own his heart and he has you. cappis in love have an air that comes off to a lot of people as 'we treat our lovers as possessions' it isn't quite so harsh and cut and dry as that. we see our lovers similar to our possessions. we don't want to lose them, we work hard to keep them (happy), we will fight to the death for them if someone tries to take them from us etc. oh, and if he gets a little bossy with you, it means he feels comfortable enough around you to take control of the relationship and pamper you to death. cappi requires someone to take care of. someone who will let them be the leader and the boss of the relationship. whether they are male or female cappi needs to wear the pants in the relationship. BUT, then they turn around and use that power to pamper and provide for their loved one. we show our love by supplying everything you need, by doing everything for you, by making sure you are spoiled rotten and never have to do something you don't want to. cappi shows love with uttmost respect.

  5. Short, sweet and simple, he will ask you to meet his family.

  6. Hi,

    Well, tricky question! But since I have been practicing astrology for over three yrs. I can tell u that u have to be really persuasive towards the evasive capris. He will really get on ur nerves sometimes but ur persverance will finally break the ice.

    Get a free detailed reading by leaving ur details in the comments section of or


  7. You don't.

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