
How do i know if a girl is attracted to me or if she wants to go out with me?

by  |  earlier

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its the first week of school, and theres this new girl..... shes really cute! i tell a friend of mine to talk to her for me and my friend comes back and tells me that she thought i was cute, but whenever i try to talk to this new girl, she doesnt act like shes intrested in me....

HELP!!!! what should i do?




  1. Continue to talk to this girl. Even if she isn't letting on that's she's interested, she may just be playing hard-to-get. First off, make sure your friend isn't messing with you. I don't your friend, but you might as well cover all the bases while you still can.

    A word of advice, DON'T be clingy. If you're always hanging around her she'll start to feel crowded or even annoyed. Give her some space. If you see her in the hallways say hello, or go by her table during lunch or something. It's important to make contact and show her that you're available but the moment you cross the line into creepy territory it's all downhill from there.

    If she wants to go out with you, she'll start flirting with you. Maybe not right away, she may be shy. If that's the case you should respect her.

    There is also the probability that she thought you were cute, but isn't interested. If so, respect her decision and leave it alone.

    In the future don't send your friend over to negotiate with a girl. You want to be front and center from the very beginning. Nothing is more powerful than control, so don't let your friend have free reign over her first impression of you!

    Tips: be confident, use your sense of humor, appeal to her interests, and always use deodorant. =p

    good luck!

  2. ask her out?... how old are you? lol

  3. Just because she thinks you're cute doesn't mean she wants to go out with you............

  4. " Hey, *Insert Her Name Here* Umm, I Think Your Really Cute/Nice... Do You Wanna Go Out With Me?"

    Just Tell Her Your Interested...

    Offer To Show Her Around The School (Unless Ur New Too, In That Case, Help Each Other)

    Dont Be Afraid To Tell A Girl Your Feelings... :)

  5. It's what you call playing hard to get. Go for it. Whats the worse that could happen? All she can do is tell you no. If you don't pursue it, you will regret it and someone else will take your place.

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