
How do i know if a guy lieks me

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we are liek 15

ok lets say my name is Candy.

he goes to my school. and i think he does like me.

in geography:

we were in groups and his group thing was right behind(not directly) mine.

well his friend was like "Candy, do you think Veero is cute(he might have said something different but it was like that)"

and i was like no.

then "veero" was like you broke my heart. and i laugheed and turned around.

then in english i sat next to him b/c someone stole my spot so i sat anywhere.

and we were watching romeo and juilet i think.

the to rows we are on are splitting the middle. well he scooted close and was like"im gunna sit next to Candy"

and i was liek okay....

and i catch him looking at me sometimes. not much.

i kinda like him but idk we are from 2 different groups. like he hangs ourt with pretty m




  1. He was probably being a flirt. I have a lot of guy friends and we tease each other just like that. You could probably ask around. If he doesn't make the first move, then don't count on him liking you. I've had my fair share of thinking a guy liked me when he was just flirting. Don't get your hopes down though! There's a chance that he might like you, but usually he'll be shy around you and blush if you say something about him.  

  2. Oh come on you have to make up your first name? it's not like anyone would find out. I can automatically now tell the girl asking this question must have a rare first name thus why she is using the name candy .

  3. I think he's interested in you, it just depends if he is one of those guys who flirt 'cause they're interested in a relationship, or flirt for the sake of flirting, or the just can't stop flirting!

  4. not only did you say 'like' around 5 times you spelled it wrong every time!! haha

    to people that have nothing in common can fall in love ;)

    And it doesn't matter who you're friends with. If it's meant to be, it will happen :)

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