
How do i know if he still loves me or not?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend and i broke up about 2 months ago we talk the same everythings exactly the samee

accept we dont say we love eachother anymore

well we use to up to a point but then it jst stoped

i know i still love him

today i asked him if he loves me still but he he didnt reply soo i said u dont have to answer if u dont want to

then he saidd thanks for understanding and we continues our convo..

howw would i find out orr what do u think ?




  1. stop talking to him, your hurting yourself A LOT....if he cant love you find someone who will

  2. from your Q, i can say is, he no longer love you... sori to b so straight

  3. it sounds like he has some reservations and doesnt really know how he feels why did you guys break up maybe he just needs some time to sort out his feelings hope this helps

  4. Well, the best way to know the answer is just to ask him and you will get the answer straight away. If he refuse to say anything, there is chance that he may not like you already    

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