
How do i know if i'm going to throw up?

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right now i feel sick to my stomach. but i dont know if its nerves or not. my legs keep shaking too. and at times i feel better then it hits me again and i feel sick. what is this? and then when i burp i feel so much better. am i going to throw up? or is it just in my head? because alot of times i feel like this and i dont throw up. please help!




  1. the spit before the puke is the best indicator.

  2. Dear sHeLb,

           You don"t always know.  Sometimes I get a burp

    that burns.  Sometimes I feel bloated in the stomach,  

    and sometimes It comes on suddenly.  Mouth

    watering (and a lot of it) is a very good indicate

    that you might "ralph".  But these are not the

    only signs of trouble.

           Many things can cause a person to "feed the fish".

    Diet can upset your stomach, as can stress.  Tension

    of any kind.  If you have an ulcer or constipation, that

    can do it.

           Try to take note of what happens before you

    feel queasy,  what did you eat, is there stress,

    or tension.  Some folks can't eat spicy food.

    Milk or dairy products can cause problems.  Meat

    or fish for some folks is trouble.  Nuts and

    some vegetables cause distress for some of

    us.  Fat or oils are hard for some of us too.

           I keep antacids on hand at all times.

    I buy Safeway's brand---for me they work

    better than Tums.  Even if you do "chuck"

    it is better if you have had an antacid first.

           It is probably not "just in your head"

    It might be food allergy's.   Try doing

    without dairy for a while.  Eat Low Fat

    for a while.  Avoid Nuts for a while.  If it

    keeps up, see a doctor.  If he says it is

    "all in your head",  see another doctor.

           Hope you have Success!

  3. be cause

  4. Are you pregnant? lol...j.k... My sister said you get spit uncontrollably and stuff!  

  5. Hi!

    Well first check your temperature then if you have a temperature have someone get you some advil,ibeprfofen or whatever you take and some 7nup or sprite lay down on the couch or your bed turn on your tv try to relax and make sure to take a bucket/pan lie it next to you snack on some crackers and if you don't have a temp. and your shaking eat something very light like crackers and if that doesnt help do the following :Grab a bucket,Get someone to get you a bottle of advil or whatever you take sit it next to your bed and a bottle of sprit or 7nup  with a glass then lay down watch tv and just relax in a couple hours if you feel better than get up but still be careful what you eat for the next couple days eat light don't run/jog whatever ok thats what i do!!!11

  6. Are you preggers? There is usually a sensation that occurs in my esophogous and upper stomach before I throw up... but it sounds like you are coming down with something. Drink plenty of fluids, that way if you do, the taste isn't as rank.

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