
How do i know if i just broke my wrist/ forearm

by  |  earlier

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I was outside skateing and my wheel hit a rock and i fell back ( i was skateing backwords) and i smashed my wrist to the ground and i dont know if its broken, right afterwords i went in the grage and i started to sweat alot and my arm keeps shakeing and after 15 min. it still hurts when im not moveing it...does any1 know if its just a sprain? or if its broken?




  1. Go to the ER now.

    Odds are likely you fractured one of the smaller bones near your wrist or sprained it badly.

    Either way you do not want to take a chance when it comes to something as important as your hands.

    If the pain is upper forearm it could be broken.

    Sometimes it will become bruised and discolored,this is also a sign of a fracture.

    Just go to the ER.

    Good luck.

  2. you need to go to er...and have the dr. look at sounds to me as you might be injured...plz. call 911 if you have no one ...

    best wishes...hope your okay

  3. When I broke my arm at school, I couldnt stop shaking, and I felt freezing and my teeth where chattering. Thats a symptom of a broken/sprained arm, because it means you've disrupted the nerves and maybe the bone is blocking your blood flow. If you have no way of getting to any kind of doctor or surgeon, wrap it in gauze and make (or if you have one, thats even better) a splint, and put a peice of cardboard under it (this is important). Get under a light or heavy blanket, depending on how much heat you can take right now, and try to keep as warm as you can without sweating. Chewing icecubes can help this too. Good luck!

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