
How do i know if i need glasses???

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how do i know if i need glasses??? for me well lately my vision has been getting worse and worse and when skool was in session i could nevver see the blackboard!!! it would make me so frustrated and i would have to move up, ask someone around me, or just deal with it and get so lost in our lesson!!! what should i do?????? oh and one last thing what types of things do doctors do in the eye appointment exams thingies??? im not sure at all and i need some major help!!!!:O




  1. I'm not sure where you live, but if it's in the UK then go see an optician! You should be having regular, yearly, check-ups anyway. All they'll do is some simple tests, reading letters from a board etc. and they'll know immediately if you need glasses. it's simple enough :)

  2. It sounds like you may need vision correction. Go ahead and make an appointment to have your eyes checked. They will just check your eyes for potential problems. The most unpleasant part is that they may shoot a small amount of air into your eyeball but it's over in seconds and doesn't hurt. Sometimes they use drops to dialate your pupils but not always. When they do that you have to wear dark shades for awhile after the exam to protect your eyes from too much light.

  3. Oh my goodness, you need glasses.  They eye exam is nothing big.  Mostly just asking if you can read the chart.  

    Have the exam, get the glasses and have a better life.

  4. get glasses you'll be amazed at how much clearer you can see

  5. You need glasses! If you can't see things that are far away you are what's called nearsighted. This means you can see near things, but not far things.

    You need to make an appointment for an eye exam with an eye doctor. It's very simple, quick, and easy. The exam only takes about 15 minutes. They do both vision tests with you, like reading a chart, and asking you "which one is more clear" with pictures. They also just look inside your eyes with lights and magnifiers to ensure your eyes are healthy too. Most doctors will also check your eye pressure, which involves blowing a little bit of air into your eye. That's it. No touching or poking to be nervous about. Once your finished the doctor will have your prescription and you have glasses made. That's it!

    It will take about a week to get used to your new glasses, but you will notice a WORLD of difference and be extremely happy that you have them. It will change your life.

  6. if your vision is getting worse than YES you NEED glasses simple as that. IN your case 100%

  7. not able to see properly or seeing hazy is the time you need the glasses---ref.:en, error.cached

  8. go see an oculist and make an appointment for glasses/contacts (whatev u want)  

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