
How do i know if i should wait?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so i have liked this guy since last september, and we talked and texted, but never hung out. I used to work with him. Hes 21 and im 17 He left for the marines in feb. and still texted me while he was out there sometimes. I still think about him constantly but my friends tell me i shouldnt wait for someone whos in the marines because ill never see him. I always have to like someone so i think i just keep liking him because i dont wanna find someone else to i couldnt see myself with anyone else in the future. WHAT SHOULD I DO!??!?!?!?

Thanks for your help




  1. I stopped when I saw you're underage.

    17 is underage and past the 3 year limit cause he is 21.

    Get someone your own age.

  2. Just keep him as a friend. There really isn't much connection here. You can text him and call him 24/7 for months and you two still won't really know each other. Move on to other relationships.

  3. Take it one day at a time. Perhaps you will continue to like him. And there will be one day that maybe you meet someone new and end up liking that person. You just never know what could happen.  

  4. Keep him as a friend but find someone else to direct your affection at.  "There's many fishes in the sea" is much truer than stories about soul-mates, so find a closer fishy!  I know age differences aren't the end of the world, but high school is a world away from active-duty marines.  You're in different stages of your lives and there's no way your life experiences and maturity levels can match up perfectly enough for waiting to even be a decent option.

  5. ii thiink that yuu shulld just move on because yuu dnt want to waste yur tiime iif iit miite not work iin the future cus yur 17 yu still have a whole life ahead of yu... but iif yu reallii realli liike hiim ii guess yu culd waiit for hiim nd see what happends when he comes back but ii thiink iit wuld be too hard for me to have somethiing goiin on wiit someone thats not wiith me..  

  6. If you're okay with the long-distance and only communicating with him through text all the time then stick with that. When you're involved with someone in the Marines, you can't expect things to change in a certain amount of time. If you feel like you always have to like someone because you always feel lonely, then he would be the worst person to like because loneliness becomes a hobby for the significant other. If you see more of a future with HIM, then go ahead and wait, but at the same time, don't put your life on hold. It would be kinda hard to ask him what he wants given the circumstances, but you should know where his head is so that you're not wasting your time as far as expectations go.

  7. dont let him go wait dont listen to ur friends they usually never really know anything lol Wait for him and see wat happens good luck!

  8. No...move on!  

  9. Your only seventeen but if you know then you know.

    Stop having those negative friends and if you find out that he feels the same about you then go for it. And if he stays in the marines and you two marry, then you will have a nice house.

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