
How do i know if im a medium or psychic?

by  |  earlier

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I have possibly seen spirits/ghosts or wutever u wanna call them, i have seen flashes, orbs, faces, outlines of people, i also feel very strong presences all the time and i will get headaches and a upset stomach. This might not have anything to do with it but everytime i think about a movie and i cant do this purposly it will show up on tv in the next couple of days or weeks and sometimes it has been up to a month but it will be on tv.

I would really like an answer from a proffesional plz




  1. Forget about calling yourself a 'medium' or 'psychic'. You don't need to justify your feelings and predictions with a label or with an answer from some idiots on the internet.

    You know what you feel, and you know what you see. Try to heighten your senses with meditation and other mind-expanding activities. Read up on this stuff if you truly have an interest in it.

  2. I doubt you're going to get a serious answer here. You'd be better off trying to find a site about this.

    In my own opinion, you're not psychic. Movies come on tv all the time. It just happens to be the movie you thought about happened to air. You thought about a dozen other movies, but since they havent come on tv, you forgot you even thought about them.

    Feeling strong presences is just a mind trick, and headaches and upset stomachs have nothing to do with being a medium.

  3. I am a psychic kid and I see images of dead people all around me and in my dreams and I believe u totally and everything. I think I should go on the show psychic kids

  4. you may be i know someone who is only he seems to be more of the reading my mind sort, but the headaches is his main issue with it.

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