
How do i know if im over him?

by  |  earlier

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me and my ex boyfriend broke up about a month ago. i think about him a lot and i miss wut we had together. he was the first guy ive loved this much. but it all ened very quickly so how do i tell if im over him?




  1. if its true or real love...then never. true love is the ultimate level u can reach. you might be able to push him in the back of your head, but he'll still be there. if you got over him, then its not true love and you didnt lose anything  

  2. when you stop thinking of him

    i have the same issue

    maybe try waiting and finding something new

    or maybe he might ask you out again

    i dont think you are over him

    it took me 3 months to get over my ex

    if you want him back

    make him feel that you dont really care that you broke up

    and try making him jealous

    im garaunteed that it will work :)

  3. if you dont give a s***

  4. well in a guy point-of-view, the guy would feel the same thing. But at the same time a guy wouldn't just let go that easily, especially when the good times is replayed in his head over and over and thinks the reason why it ended. A guy would miss it more than you'd probably realized tho.

  5. same thing with me, but i knew i was over with him when i stopped thinking about him alot and i could go on with life without missing him..

    you know, when u don't really care

  6. r u over him??????? thats ur first question then if its no then second question is how do i get back together

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