
How do i know if is herbal oil or leaves i need for different wicca spells?

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How do i know if is herbal oil or leaves i need for different wicca spells?




  1. Merry Meet Isabella,

    If you are making a Sachet or a Dreampillow  or something similar use the herb form. If you are anointing something ,such as yourself ,a tool, or a candle use the oil form.

    In light and Love


  2. Spells don't have anything to do with Wicca. There's no such thing as a "Wicca spell."

    If you don't know if you're supposed to use the oil or leaf of a particular herb, why are you even doing the spell? You should understand every aspect of a spell before even attempting it.

  3. Wicca isn't about spells, but if you know what the herb is doing there there shouldn't be any issue.

  4. You know because as someone who is Wicca yourself you have spent many years, even decades studying and have a full coven behind you who have either taught you or which you are still with who can advise you.

    Wicca spells unsurprisingly are practiced by people who are Wicca – initiated into a BTW coven (direct lineage back to Gardner or New Forest Coven). If you are not Wicca then not only will you not have the knowledge and experience but your beliefs and world view would be totally different – it’s like a Christian praying to the Asatru god Freya, it’s not their belief and their prayers would go unanswered.

    Those who are Wicca will know exactly what herbs and oils they need because they are the ones who are creating the spells, they would have studied and practices for years to decades about what different correspondences there are so know these sort of things like second nature or even not use any such things at all.

  5. It's called substitution. If you don't have one, feel free to use the other. Don't be afraid to experiement.

    And I agree with Labgrrl. It's not all about spells.

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