
How do i know if labour has started??

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I'm 38wks n 3day,, im a lil confused on how to recognise labour??? my midwife hasn't been the greatest in explaining things. im 3/5ths relation to brim does this mean heads engaged?? could you please help explain what it means and a list of labour signs would be great 2 many thanks.




  1. You'll start getting contractions and they will be strong and uncomfortable and painful. When the contractions are like 5 minutes apart, you're in labor. You can go to the hospital and they can also monitor you and check how far you've dilated. Usually you'll have to be 5 cm to be admitted.

  2. When I was pregnant my water broke first and then labour started 10 hours after.  At first it just feel like barely there menstrual cramps every 10-20 minutes.  About seven hours after that I went to the hospital because it was very painful--2-3 minutes of very bad menstrual cramps.  

    Labour is when you start contracting.  You'll know when it happens because it will hurt.  I'd say don't stress about it--just focus on relaxing and getting SLEEP!!  You won't be sleeping once labour actually starts.  

  3. my daughter was engaged weeks before she came! (head down ready to come!) But its normal for the baby to turn last minute to,I went into labour about 11am - irregular contractions then becoming more frequent and more painfull! By midnight i couldn't take any more and went in, by 4.30am she was born! They had to break my waters right at the end so dont think ur gunna pop and the baby's head is there!Contractions build up so don't worry you'll have plenty ov time! Enjoy the miracle ov life its amazing!

  4. I don't know 3/5ths to brim - unfamiliar with the term.

    Here are signs of labor:

  5. Depending on the person your water could break and it's like a gush of fluid and sometimes you will feel the baby drop down onto pelvic bone when that happens and fliuid will continue to leak.Or you could get intense pains that start out like menstal cramps and get stronger they start out at the belly button area and spread down to your lower abdomon sometimes back pains as well severe back pain and stomach pain,tighting in the abdomon.The pains will go away and come back again time them if the are 5-7 minutes apart call you dr.If the pains become to great which happened to me I felt like I had to do a bathroom break really bad and could not walk well bc the pain spread into my upper thighs.But don't worry the pain will subside when you get to the hospital.Good luck and Congrats on your first baby.

  6. Going on my experience I was a first time mum and had been to the hospital twice thinking I was in labour but I wasn't. And the only sign that I actually recognised and can remember clearly was my waters breaking. I was told that mine was only a dribble as it took but the instance that it did was like a rubber band snapping and a flood on the floor.

    If this is your first time it is known to go over your due date. If you feel ready you can always try and spur it on (s*x worked for me after my second visit to hospital).

    However don't worry that it'll happen in a second cos it won't. You'll have PLENTY of time to get to the hospital and to have your baby so relax and good luck :)

  7. if your water breaks then you are close to being in labor. If you start having either lower back or lower pelvic pains, you are in labor. You will know tho.

  8. Signs:

    Water breaks

    Severe pain in lower abdomen

    Hardening of your stomach

    Mucas plug falls out

    You feel like you have to p**p

  9. just make sure bag is packed, it could happen any time you could be awakened from your sleep, you could be down town you could be on a bus. You will know.

  10. that has all the signs!!!

    and congratss!!!!

  11. You'll know when your in labour as you won't have to ask any more.  Good luck.

  12. Labor is defined as contractions causing cervical changes leading to delivery.

    True labor vs.. Braxton hicks contractions can be difficult to distinguish.

    Braxton hicks contractions are many times caused by dehydration, and

    will usually stop if you drink 36 ounces of water and change your activity(if your up moving around rest for 30 min, If you are at rest walk for 30 minutes). If the pains get stronger, more regular or closer together, you may be in labor.

    Labor pains do not stop, get further apart, or less intense. If your contractions are painful (to the point of needing to breathe through them) and regular (more that 8 in an hour)odds are good you are in labor. Call your Doctor or go to labor and delivery.  

  13. there is no list of things because it happens differently for everyone but some things to watch out for are. back or lower abdomen pain that comes and goes. a show (a mucus plug that can look whitish yellow or blood tinged that comes away yuo would find this in your nickers in the last few weeks). your water breaking(either a gush or a little trickle every so often), some women have a little diahoreah(it is your bodys way of clearing itself out).if your midwife is useless either ask her what she means or ask for another midwife dont be shy labour is your special moment and you have a right to know what is happening. good luck i hope i have helped

  14. It'll b***dy hurt lol. there is no mistaking labor pains, even for a first timer

  15. You will definetly know when you are in labor. The way you know is you will feel intense pain like cramping in the bottom of your stomach. and it comes back every few minutes. The closer the contractions get the sooner that baby is coming.


  16. ok wel i actually asked this question on here when waiting for my baby.. all i can say is you wil know, everyone keeps saying it to u and i felt this was no way helpful but after u start u know instantly your in labour. its strange, i wasnt worried or scared i just knew it had all started. hope this helps...more relaxed u are d better

  17. HA HA - you'll know

  18. Oh you will know for sure

    It hurts like the worst menstrual cramp you've ever had.  They come more and more frequently, you should have a good 4 hours to get to a hospital after they start. When they get close, call your doctor

    braxton hicks hurt, but then stop after an hour or so

    If your water breaks, head to the hospital

  19. labour signs are aching back. waters broke . pains in stomach if the pains are getting quicker you are in labour also change your midwife

  20. It sounds like your baby's head is at 0 station, which would be engaged. Some signs of labor would be slight diarrhea, tightening of your uterus that does not go away with walking, losing your mucous plug, or your water breaking. You will know when it's the real thing.

    Good luck and congratulations.  

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