
How do i know if my clothes are bleach safe?

by Guest60347  |  earlier

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i washed a load of whites with bleach and several of my son's tee-shirts now have tiny holes in them. The other clothes are fine. what happened??




  1. Do a test in a small piece of fabric, make sure it a place that doesnot be seen if the fabric get damage.  I am a dry cleaner that have to test alot of garmets.  Dont trust the levels they are many times wrong.

  2. Maybe you have moths in your washer?

  3. There is a care tag on all garment which tell washing instructions.

  4. The bleach may have dangerous acid, that would have caused it to do that to the tee-shirts. If his tee-shirts are thin, that may be part of the effect. Try using oxy-clean or something on those lines.

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