
How do i know if my daughter is ready for Kindergarten?

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How do i know if my daughter is ready for Kindergarten?




  1. If it is possible for you to be with your daughter, then stay at home and be with her.  The quality time you spend together now will be beneficial in later years

  2. Most schools have an age where you have to have your child in school. There will not be an option to keep them out.  You need to prep your child for this activity.  Do you keep your child alone with you all day?  If so, start sending them to a preschool type of place for a few days a week.  They need that social interaction.

    My sons b-day is 9/1, the cut off for school. I asked if I had the option of keeping him back for the next year, and they told me no, he had to be enrolled this year.

  3. my grandson is 5 and in a pre school.  He can count both front and back and say his ABC's front and back and spell his name front to back--knows his colors and how to cut out and glue and color and print.

  4. You know when your daughter is ready for Kindergarten when you are able to acknowledge the fact that you yourself are ready to let her go.  Children are smart.  They know when parents are insecure.  Feel positive about her going to Kindergarten and talk about all the positive of Kinder to your child.  Kindergarten is a stepping stone to the educational experience.  Education begins in the home.

  5. Without knowing the age of you child, there are a few things that you could do.  If she is of age or almost of age, then you should be able to go to the school district that you live in and see if they can give her a Kinder ready test.  This usually consists of a series of small activities like stacking color blocks in particular orders, sorting into groups, letter/number reconition, and hand/eye cordination.  If she is able to do all/most of these things then the school may let her in.  Being in a pre-school/pre-K program would also help tremendously.

  6. Working as a preschool aide, I observed so many children and at the end of the year, 95 per cent seemed to be ready as far as the basics go.  Things most impt. were writing the alphabet and their name correctly, counting to 10, knowing their basic colors and shapes. Our public school gives them a test beforehand to see if they are ready.  However, we had quite a few parents who keep their child in preschool 2 years, mainly they said to get them socially ready.  I didn't agree with some, because I noticed the second-year child seemed so bored going over the same stuff.  But, as far as social aspect, it is true you probably know best.  Just be sure to have him/her interact with other children year around.  Good luck!

  7. The only pre requisite is that she is 5. If you are asking about it with the concern that you should hold her back a year then consider the following things:

    How does she do in social settings with other children?

    How does she do when she is away from you?

    Those are the biggies. Everything else she will learn in school. However, it is beneficial for her to be able to cut paper with scissors, know how to spell her name, know her alphabet, count to 20, and know her shapes and colors. She will review all of these things, but would most benefit from previous exposure.

    Good luck!!

  8. Is she able to be without you? comfortable with herself? you know? our youngest just got done kindergarten this year, and he was so shy at the beginning, I was doubting that it was time even though he was 5, but he got right into it and by the end of the first week, he wasn't shy anymore, and absolutely loved it. They say that kids should know how to write their names, and have basic understanding of the alphabet, a basic understanding of the numbers 1-10 is helpful, and that they like to be read to, or look at picture books. Most kids are ready by 5, but you know your kiddo better than anyone else does. Our guy was very unsure that first day, and it was hard, but believe me he got through it, and yours will too, Mom. ; )

  9. Your local should district probably does "kindergarten screening" they will usually test a child as soon as they are 3.  Call your local elementary school to inquire.  They are usually glad to help you get a list of things to work on for the summer.

  10. if she is 5

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