
How do i know if my dog had the puppies?...?

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u see i dont know nothing about dogs having puppies.

and this dog (ive caught him lots of times) jumps over the wall. my dad put some stuff on top of the wall so the dog wont be able to jump over it but somehow he still does.

and now my dog is pregnant. they told me that she'll have the pups like around 65 days, but that will be on wednesday.

i have a big backyard, so... how do i know when she has had the puppies?




  1. It is a big deal when your dog has babies so you should probably stay home.

  2. "u see i dont know nothing about dogs having puppies."

    You sound like Prissy in Gone With The Wind. " I don't know nothin bout birthin no babies!"

    A good way to educate yourself about 'birthin puppies' is to pick up a book and start reading like 62 days ago when it happened. I love people like you who pop on the day before a dog is due looking for answers. Way to be responsible.

    And are you blind? Unless you answered yes, then I really don't see why you would have any problems locating a litter of puppies. I feel sorry for your dog.  

  3. Bring her inside the house. Google whelping. You'll need supplies & a whelping box. Someone needs to be taking her temp. When her temp falls below 99 , she'll whelp within 24 hours. Call your vet with any concerns & take her and the puppies to the vet within the first 48 hours. Please have your dog spayed after the litter is weaned.

  4. Probably find her out in the yard with her puppies, if you don't have her in the house.

  5. You'll know because your dog will have had puppies.  Is your yard so large that you can't find your dog?  Why isn't she inside with a nice safe whelping box?  Why hasn't she been to a vet?  It's more like 63 days, so it could be any moment!

    You have much work to do!  call your vet!  Call the humane society!

  6. you should bring her in to a comfy spot, or on the porch if you have one, or set up her dog house with blankets and bedding so she can nest. otherwise she will find a spot and where the pups are is where she will be, unless she takes off again, or crawls somewhere you can't get to them. a plastic swimming pool makes a great puppy nest.

  7. she wont be fat anymore x)

    lol... yeah my dogs are the same...

    you'll know when you hear lots of crying, or when you dont see your dog for a while, it'll hide somewhere to have the pups.

    you also might want to get your pets nutered



    *sighs* >.< do not for the love of god let your dog whelp outside. Why she has been kept as an outside dog is beyond me. She needs to be indoors where you or someone else can keep an eye on her and intervene if there are any problems, or would you rather go out side and find not only dead puppies but a dead dog as well?

    If she doesn't have a dog house and even then she will have already picked out a secluded spot behind bushes or even under the house to whelp.

  9. oh my gosh... are you kidding? why in the heck did you wait till now to find anything out??? she could have them anywhere. how come you don't have her in the house where you can watch her. geez. why didn't you have her spayed, especially since you don't know nothing about dogs having puppies.  you should not even have a dog if you don't know anything about them, and it's quite obvious because you didn't even do any research over the last 2 months while she was pregant. oh man...

  10. Is this question for real???

    1. Your dog will not be as big.

    2. Puppies will be near your dog.

    3. WHY are you leaving your ridiculously pregnant dog outside??? Let it in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. this is why your dog should have been spayed, would have stopped the male from jumping into your yard, and you wouldnt be bringing more unwanted pups in this world.tell your dad to take her to the vet.

    Instead of sitting here on the computer, you need to be outside searching every part of the back yard, if theres any way for her to get under the house check their to, under a shed, porch everywhere, she and the pups need to be inside, if you see her keep going to a certain spot go over and check it out...if she hasnt had the pups yet you need to brign her inside and make a whelping box, go to wal-mart buy one of those little plastic swimming pools and cover the bottom with newspaper, call your vet tomorrow and schedule an appoitment.

  12. It could be from 59-63 days. I have a fence yard and when I've bred my dogs I put them in a 10/10 kennel with a dog house that I put straw in, a small ledge around the bottom to prevent the Dam from laying on the puppies. When she has the puppies I would start her on a puppy food to help her weight and to produce more milk. When the puppies are 3 weeks old I put water on the puppy food and let it swell and get soft then I offer it to the puppies, do that once a day then after 4 weeks leave it dry so they can start learning to eat and that will help Mom out.You also need to get a good liquid dog/puppywormer to use on the puppies, follow the directions. The puppies will need shots at 6 weeks so will need to go to a vet. If you could keep her in the house near her time and fix a good whelping spot you could know when and where the puppies are born, if she goes more than two or three hours between the births you would need to get her to a vet in case the puppies are stuck or her contractions aren't strong enough to give birth.Maybe get a book on whelping or talk to another breeder to get more information, probably a good idea to get her spayed so this mistake doesn't happen again. Good luck.

  13. A RESPONSIBLE breeder would know because they would have a safe, clean whelping area set up INDOORS with a whelping box that has rails so the mother can't accidently kill her pups by laying on them.  The RESPONSIBLE breeder would know how to take the dog's temperature 2 times a day, sicne they also know that a dip below 98 degrees F means she will probably whelp in 12-24 hours.  A RESPONSIBLE owner would have had their dog spayed so they wouldn't have to worry aobut this, and wouldn't be creating more pups to DIE in shelters.

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