
How do i know if my duck eggs will hatch?

by  |  earlier

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I found 3 duck eggs and made an Incubator and i do all the things that i need to do and its about the 27th day and they have not hatched yet Will They Hatch?




  1. first of all you need to know if the eggs are fertalized then you need yo keep the eggs at at leat the tempature of 90 degress at the most they need to saty as warm as possible then you just need to give them time and if they dont hatch within a week or two thats when you should be concerned

  2. Turn on a high-wattage bare lightbulb about waist high. Hold each egg above the lit bulb and look for a developing embryo. If the egg looks "clear" except for two or three spots, it is not fertile and can be discarded. If the egg is fertile, the duckling should be visible and moving sightly. I don't know how long duck eggs gestate, but after 27 days they should be close to hatching.

  3. first of all are they fertilized? a way to tell if they are is by gently holding the egg above a flashlight and see if you can see veins, or anything moving in it. you may hear peeping (or quacks) a day before they hatch or even hours if there fertilized...if they are be ready to be a mama to the little fuzz balls xD

  4. they hatch about 8 weeks if they don't they are rotten.and DON'T crack rotten eggs.

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