
How do i know if my house is haunted or if it's just a coincidince???

by  |  earlier

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in the past 6 months i have had the following happen in my house:

1. one of my music tables that hadn't been wound in 2 years started playing\

2. i was talking on the phone and in the same room the hutch started shaking uncontrollably but nothing in it or on top of it moved

3. sounds of doors slamming downstairs when i was upstairs on the computer

4. (just a few minutes ago) my stereo was on volume 2 and then it suddenly jumped up to 25.

if u can't tell me what's going on then please send a link where i can research my house and it's history if you can.





  1. It probably has something in it. But it sounds to be a playful spirit and nothing to be afraid of. It won't hurt you, it probably just wants you to play along. From the sound of the whole music box incident, I would guess it was a little girl. Unless you heard something totally creepy, like low, raspy voices whispering or something grabbing at you and bruising you, you have nothing to worry about. My advice is to leave her alone. Trying to rid her of a place she might feel save wouldn't be the best thing to do, but if she truley scares you, by all means.

  2. With the few details you've provided, there's not much that I can suggest in specific. There are more than likely natural explanations for these things, but without more details it's hard to say.

    1. If you need to wind it up to work, then it would wind down until the spring force is not enough to propel it any further, where it stops. That is a very precarious point and it would only take a small change (heat, friction, etc) to cause a slip and release more spring energy. Even after a couple years this can happen.

    2. Does the hutch wobble? Was a large truck passing by, or something in the house vibrating like an unbalanced washing machine load? Do you see it shake, or did you just hear a knocking sound?

    3. If windows are open or even when the heating/AC turns on, drafts can form which will move doors.

    4. Electronics can be touchy and there's nothing paranormal about it. If your stereo has a remote, stray IR signals can sometimes make the equipment do unexpected things.

    Do some research and hopefully you'll find your answer. Good luck.

  3. I'm not there to witness these events, but I am comfortable assuming there are reasonable explanations and that these events aren't necessarily connected.  It's not uncommon for someone who believes in the paranormal to assume, for no particular reason, that any observed anomaly is evidence of paranormal activity.  I am happy to see you are at least considering the possibility that these events have a natural explanation.

    Or your house is haunted.

  4. Earthbounds won't suddenlt appear in your home and start causing those things to happen. What you more than likely have is a case of spirits who are already from heaven trying to get your attention.

    Spirit guides, loved ones, angels are all capable of this.

    Find out what you shoul dbe paying attention to.

  5. This really interests me.

    Sometimes, i have strange encounters, also.

    Where i live, my neighboorhood was

    built in a previous civil war 'burial / war' ground.

    My neighboor has encounter of 'bumps in the night'

    such as slamming cabinets, doorbells, and doors opening

    and closing, etc. Today, i was in the car, with no music on.

    all of the sudden, the music was turned up, really loud,

    like yours did. Then, the other night, i dropped my camera on the floor. I didnt pay any mind to it, because i was busy. About 30 minutes later, my camera was sitting on my window sill, and nobody was home, but me within that time range.

    So, obviously, i believe ghosts are out there.

    contact someone you trust, ( that knows what there doing) and get things straightened out. My little 'buddies' have been helpful, and hopefully dont get harmful.

    Wish you luck!

  6. I'll be the first to say: YOU ARE  NOT  CRAZY!

    I have had these things happen to me too!

    If you have not been harmed (and there is no damage to anything) you just might have a lonely, mischievious spirit. It may get offended if you call you place "haunted". Call it "special" instead.

    You should be lucky to have a little buddy no one can see.

  7. Sounds like a plan for ghost hunters!!!!!!!!! :D

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