
How do i know if my hymen is already broken??

by  |  earlier

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i'm 17 and i've been with my BF for nearly 3 yrs now... and obviously s*x is gonna be a big part of our relationship around this time.... i've heard that if it is broken already then it doesn;t hurt as much but i don;t know if mine has.....

i go to the gm regulary and swim.. --so does that mean ist's broken...any possible way to check if any???





  1. Ask your gynecologist or go to one.

  2. Your gyn can tell you, i really do not think working out will break your hymen. If it broke then, you would notice blood.

    And no even if it is broken it will not effect the pain, it will still be pretty painful, because of the muscels being really tight and all. You could not check yourself however. If you have s*x and you bleed then you know that you broke it.  

  3. The only way would be to have a gyno exam you.  I don't think it hurts THAT much, it's something almost everyone has to get over with sometime in their life.  Just try and be relaxed.

  4. Hi Sheryl ,

    Only a doc can speak about you for sure. A lot of girls break theirs when they are little from falling on that "crotch bar" on bikes. You can also break it next to a tampon. It's lately a bare membrane so if you broke it you would bleed for a moment. It doesn't receive any diff. though as far as reproduction or s*x. No one, not even that special guy, will be capable of speak about. Also, if it is broken and you've never have s*x, you ARE still a virgin no situation what anybody say.

    Good luck Hun and enjoy your selves.

  5. ask it

  6. It is a possibility, many women break their hymen through swimming horse riding etc, although I didn't. I have ridden horses all my life and the horse riding didn't break my hymen. To be honest, the hymen is a very thin piece of skin and is partially open anyway, and it's a fairly quick pain when 'broken', there may be a little bleeding,..but not always. s*x may be a little uncomfortable the first few times, but after that, there shouldn't be an issue

  7. If you have a menstrual flow, your hymen is already "broken."

    Most women have hymens that are not entirely closed to begin with.  About one in two thousand women have "imperforate hymens" that actually block the entire entrance to the v****a; these are easy to spot because they block menstruation, and usually a doctor has to open the hymen surgically.  More commonly, the hymen is a ring of tissue with a central opening that may or may not tear during intercourse.

    The condition of the hymen is not a reliable way to determine whether or not a woman is a virgin, since it's almost always open to begin with.

  8. do you use tampons because sometimes this will have broken your hymen. but honestly if it is or if it isn't it's not that big a deal. just make sure that when u do get round to doing the deed that you use protection or the next question u'll be asking on YA is 'am i pregnant?'

  9. only if you go to the doctor

  10. I first had s*x at 17 and I don't even remember having a hymen. It didn't even hurt when I first had s*x. All I remember is that it was difficult to insert tampons at about 15 but then I kept using them so that might have broken it.

  11. The difference is going to be minimal, so it doesn't really matter.

    If your b/f really cares about you he will be gentle for your first time. Discuss this with your b/f, it is such a big step that you shouldn't even think about it without talking about it first anyway.

  12. Most likely it isn't. Unless you have injured it or do a lot of horseback riding. Things like that.

    The only way to know for sure is to go to the Doctor. They can look and tell you if it is or not.

    Here's a tip though....if you don't wanna go to the doctor and you are going to have s*x...Do some stretching of your Vag. Use a toy or you fingers and stretch it out. The more you do that the easier it will be.

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