
How do i know if my wife is cheating on me?

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How do i know if my wife is cheating on me?




  1. When you see proof of it.

  2. The very fact that you are asking this question means you are feeling something. This gut-level feeling is telling you that something is wrong. You've got to play it cool, and start to watch her like a hawk, especially how she uses her cell phone and her behaviour towards you. And please, no accusations whatsoever, get evidence first. You might just be paranoid, but from experience these feelings don't come from nowhere.

  3. Why would you think she was?

  4. Ask her. Duh!

  5. if her routines have changed; if her attitude and attention have changed towards you

  6. Behavioral changes.  

  7. Have a DNA test performed on her panties.

  8. is she always gone? seperate bank account? just signs

  9. What did she do?  

  10. Not ever interested in having s*x with you.

    Not ever wanting to "communicate" with you.

    Accepts everything about you without complaint.

    Always has to shower.

    Is missing for periods of time without explanation.

    Gets phone calls or texts and wont share who they're from or what they say.

    Fixes herself up more than usual before leaving the house.

    Accuses you of cheating.

  11. Well, you should start by asking her.  If you have good reason to suspect that she is having an affair you should just ask.  If the two of you can't communicate then you have big issues.  If you can't trust her you have even bigger issues between you.  You should know your wife well enough by now to be able to gage her reaction and have an idea as to whether or not she's telling the truth.  All of the double secret agent snooping stuff is not necessary.  Even if you divorce proof of adultery rarely makes a difference in court, so why bother.

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