
How do i know if we are ready to get marryed?

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me and my boyfriend have been together 3 years and our daughter is now a year and a half how do we know if its time to tie the knot ? we love each other very much and have talk about it before but we did not want it to be because of the baby so we waited




  1. You all put the cart before the horse. The time to get married was before you had s*x and got pregnant. If you all are in love as you say,  "Get Married Tomorrow". Make it official. You are already playing the part of a married couple. Only the two of you will really know when the time is right. No, one else can say. We don't know your true feelings for one and the other. This is a judgment call. Judge with caution, marriages are forever. I would suggest pre-martial counseling. Get counseling from the pastor that's going to married you, if you decide to have a wedding.

  2. I would suggest looking at your finances and seeing if you make enough to support a family, including you two and the baby, and any others that come along.  Then look at your relationship.  Love doesn't always conquer all.  Sometimes you need a better basis than that, such as a good was to deal with disagreements and undying support for each other, even when things get really really bad.  I would also suggest waiting until you are at least 21 or older, in case you aren't already.  The younger you are, the more chance for failure you have.  good luck!  oh, and it is "married" not "marryed".

  3. If you have to second guess yourself or ask, then your not ready.

  4. when you know, you know.

  5. Your ready !    

  6. You have to ask yourself why do you want to get married.  Do you want to grow old together?  My wife and I are getting close to celebrating 37 years of marriage.  We almost divorced years ago.  We both committed our life and marriage to Jesus Christ and that was the common denominator.  Get some marital counseling.

  7. I think you just know when you want to spend the rest of your life with someone.  I think if you have to ask someone, you may not be ready.

    Good Luck!

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