
How do i know my water has boiled ?

by  |  earlier

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I know the question sounds dumb but could you please help me out. like how much bubbles needs to be there 1 or 100. Sorry for the dumb question but am on my own for the first time and don't want to burn the place down lol.




  1. You can put a thermomerter in the water or you need to make sure there a lot of bubbles

  2. lots of bubble

    so many that you cant count them  

  3. uHH cuz there gOnna bE like maD bubbleS everywhEre!  

  4. For your water to be boiling it needs to have many bubbles. One after another.  Hey the only dumb question is the one not asked. It is better to be safe than sorry.

  5. I would wait until you get a "rolling" boil which almost makes the water look like rapids.  Then turn it down slightly.

  6. It's whenever there's a lot of bubbles all over the pot. If you see one bubble, it's not done. But don't go crazy and leave it on there forever, because then the water starts to evaporate. Keep checking on it, and you'll know when it's boiling. I had the same problem before.

  7. There should be lots of bubbles bubbling rapidly.

  8. As long as the water is bubbling continuously and it looks like a mini jacuzzi, you should be good. To give you a number, it'd be closer to 100.

  9. you need lots and lots of bubbles!!  

  10. You want what is called a 'rolling boil'.  This means that there will be a ton of bubbles brewing all throughout the water.

  11. for water to boil you  will see a constant bubbling and steam comming out of the pot.

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