
How do i know that my friends have really forgiven me?

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Last night me and my two best friends had an argument about trusting eachother. I'm going to a differnt school than they are and i asked them if i can trust that we'll still be friends even if we are seperated. They said i can trust them but they said they cant trust me because im going to get wrapped up in my "new" world with new friends and a new life. I told them that's not true and it turned in to this horrible argument and i really regret saying things. So i told them both that im sorry and i asked if they forgave me and they said yeah but i still have my doubts. How do i know for sure?




  1. I would show them that u really do trust them. Like call them everyday and ask them how the other school is and stuff. And you can still have friends at ur school jsut dont get close to them as u are ur best friends.

  2. Firstly, your friends were right, believe me or not, within a year or more, u will get wrapped in the new world. Second, if they are your friends then they have forgiven u, dont worry so much. What si important is u to forgive yourself :)  

  3. You should tell them what your telling us. That you regret saying what you said and that you felt it was wrong of you to say. If they're real friends they will forgive you and everything will be fine. You can also try just being really nice to them and be the great friend that they know you for. Good luck and I hope it all works out.

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