
How do i know what shade iam ?

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between warm or neutral or cool? im trying to find a right shade of foundation but i am comfused on which shade i am




  1. Go to the mall or somewhere and have them pic out the shade for you.

  2. if you go to a big department store like nordstrom or bloomingdales they can help you determine your tone

    and then you can go from there in finding your true foundation color.


  3. 1) how well do you tan?  Do you tan easily, burn then tan, burn only?

    2) do you have a yellow undertone to your skin or pink?

    3) what color is your hair/eyes?

    4) what colors have your worn that you get compliments on (clothing not eye makeup)

  4. I would go to one of the big department stores also and stop at one of the makeup counters, like Clinique.  That is where I go and they will help you and even make you up with colors that work for you.

  5. Warm Color Group

    1.Your hair is naturally black or brown (brown with reddish or copper flecks). Your eyes are brown, and your complexion is olive or golden and tans easily

    2.Your natural hair ranges from light, golden to dark blonde, your eyes are dark brown and your skin is golden or olive and tans easily

    3.Your hair is naturally red or light auburn with dark blonde flecks. Your eyes are either green or brown, and your skin tone is beige, tanning easily

    4.Your hair is naturally a reddish to golden brown, your eye color is blue and your complexion is light beige, tanning easily

    Cool Color Group

    1.Your natural hair color is light to medium brown, you have either greenish, hazel, or blue eyes and you burn easily (but have naturally rosy cheeks)

    2.Your hair is naturally a darkened ash blonde, your eyes are either hazel or blue and your complexion is very fair to pale

    3.Your hair color is dark brown, your eyes are blue and you have a pink tone to your fair or pale skin

    4.You're a naturally light to medium brunette, your eyes are a blue-gray to light-green color, your face is fair to pale with a hint of rose in your cheeks

    5.Your hair is naturally red or dark brunette, your eyes are a very dark brown, and your skin is pale to fair with very rosy cheeks

    Neutrals are usually in between warm and cool. An ivory color would be good for neutral skin tones.

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