
How do i know whats true?

by  |  earlier

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when i join the army is there anything i kneed to know so i dont sign the wrong stuff that will s***w up my life




  1. If you do not understand 100% of an answer ask it again and again until you DO Understand it 100%. Sometimes people mis-understand and feel later that they were lied to because sometimes what one thing means to a civilian is worded differently or means something totally diff in military terms. Plus if you can't get it in writing you will not get what is promised.


  2. Every contract is EXACTLY the same.  Eveything you are promised will be in writing on the first page.  You can view a contract here....

  3. yup liked they said just ask and ask ur recruiter may be cool as **** but he still may be lying just to get u in ....

    and make sure ur bonuses, and college money is in ur contract before u sign it. also make sure about ur training datez and other than that everything is ok in the contract ....

    hope this helps ...

  4. Ask lots and lots and lots of questions and read read read, h**l take it home and read it.  Don't let them pressure you.  I've heard not stating its true, but I've heard from different recruiters that the army lies to get you in.  I don't know this for a fact, but I use caution with any contract I'm signing no matter how nice the person in.  Even if their family..  Hope this helps

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