
How do i know when i am buying my cockatiel if it boy or girl.?

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I am going to buya new cockatiel soon and i realy want to get a boy one so it will talk. how do i know what gender it is at that early stage. plz help me!




  1. if it lays an egg itsa girl!!!!!!

  2. Most parrots cannot be visually sexed, especially when they are very young.  A simple blood test can be done to s*x your bird.  If you get the kit and do it yourself, it will cost you about $20, if you pay a vet to do it, it's untelling what they'll charge to do it.  If you are buying the bird from a breeder they may or may not charge for this, they may charge the $20 for the cost of the test.  You can also have it surgically sexed (VERY expensive). Also even if your tiel is male, it still may not talk.  Cockatiels are not noted for their talking ablility.  Yes, some do learn some words, but many do not.  Most of the good talkers are larger and much more expensive than a cockatiel.  The king of the talkers is the African Grey, and even then, there are some of them that will just learn sounds and not real language.

  3. lutino (yellow) and albino (white) are s*x linked, if you are not prepared to take a chance, buy a young male from a breeder. if 2 Lutinos mated both male and female will be lutino,but if lutino and an other colour is mated you can tell the boys from the girls as soon as they feather up.

  4. the truth is,you are supposed to wait 6 months until they moult,but sometimes you get lucky and you'll find out quite quickly that you either have a female or a maale,males are very vocal,they like to sing,they ca talk,mimic,the male also is very pretty and is very colorful in the face,more than the female.The female is generally friendly andtimid,a pleasure to be around,but sometimes you can not go by cheek brightess,my lutino has the brightest oraange cheeks,and pappy just got through having three never really can tell.

  5. I've been told that if their feet are white ,then they are males- I have 7, and 2 have started talking  like ever , and they are 2 and 1/2 months old- They both have white feet, I have 2 girls, {I think}, I look at their tails, I not for sure yet on the other' , but I've had Cockatiels over 14 years , and the males did have white feet?

  6. you can tell by putting your finger down between its legs, there should be two bones, if they touch, its a boy, if there is a space then its a girl.  the bones don't touch in a girl so she can push eggs through .

  7. Theres really no way of telling when their very young.  Depending on where you are buying the bird you could have a blood test when before you buy it, that would be your only 100% sure way to tell.

  8. I have a 3 year old Lutino cockatiel and I still don't know the s*x.  We think it's a girl.  They say you can tell by the bars and spots on under the wings and under the tail, but because of inbreeding etc., people just can't tell anymore.  You can have the vet check by going inside s/he, but it's pretty painful.  If your planning on having more than one, bring it to the vet to see if they can find out otherwise you may have to have them check.  I personally don't care because she is my only bird and spends all her time with us anyway.

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