
How do i know when i ovulate after clomid?

by  |  earlier

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i am on metformin, just finished provera and got my period and now on day 3 will start clomid. Trying to conceive, well been trying for a year and 4 months on my own and now using the doc and meds for help. I have a 3 yr old and want a second ohh and i have pcos? any hope stories would help.




  1. Your doctor should give you an ultrasound to check your follicle growth.  I am going to start taking clomid soon and my doctor told me to come in on cycle day 13 or 14 to make sure that my follicles are maturing so that I will ovulate.

  2. You could use OPKs and/or check your BBT. Your doc can also monitor you with blood work and ultrasounds.

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