
How do i know when my beetroot is ready to pick?

by  |  earlier

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I can see the leaves, but not the roots (obviously) so how do I know when to dig them up. I don't' want to waste roots by digging them up too early....




  1. Beetroot you simply scratch the top of ground around them and see when they are the size you prefer..the bulb/beet will come to ground surface and by simply raking away some dirt from top , about a 1/4 can see thier progress..

  2. Something might be wrong as you can usually see the fat swelling of the root slightly above ground.Anyway all root veg is the same,you dig one up and see if not wait a further two weeks.If you dig the one up carefully,stick it straight back into the soil and water.Sounds like you planted too deep

  3. Poke around carefully and feel the roots underground.  Don't let them get too big or they will be woody.

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