
How do i learn about stock market?

by  |  earlier

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i want to learn how to invest in stocks and even the basics of it.maybe youll could suggest some good site.





    Most of the above are weighted towards Money Markets, etc.

    But you will learn a lot including the free classes they have on stocks.  Good luck!

  2.  They offer a free simulator that allows you to trade stock and learn as you go. They offer different levels of investing with many good charts and analysis. You'll want to learn to trade both technical (by the charts) and by the trend ( News, economies reports etc..) A good trader will use both techniques. And if you are going to jump into the stock market now....Buy gold and other commodities like oil, corn, soy beans, wheat, etc...

  3. Go to there is everything that you need to learn.

  4. I heard had some really good information and makes stock buying really simple. Might be worth checking into. :)

  5. You watch it, you follow it daily, you read about it

    It's like asking how do I learn about football - not from exercise books. Real life. Watch and learn

  6. 1. Since you are starting out, first you need to familiarise yourself with the basics. Consider the set of excellent articles at sites such as these below

    Great investing basics websites

    2. Next, I would recommend you to first get solid grounding in Investing. 3 must read books. If you haven't heard of these, buy them NOW, today. They will be your invaluable guides to safe & prosperous investing and future wealth creation.

    a. Intelligent Investor -Benjamin Graham

    Considered the bible of all investors, this will foremost teach you the basics and most importantly, how not to lose money. Thats the first lesson you need, believe me

    b. One up on Wall Street -Peter Lynch

    This is another classic. Tells you how to spot winners from what you see around you. successful products, companies. Practically shows you how you do not need to be a hot shot financial analyst to be able to spot good moneymaking opportunities in stocks

    c. Common stocks Uncommon Profits- Phil Fisher

    As you dabble for 1 or 2 years, make some money and also make some small (hopefully) mistakes, you will start itching to catch the multi-baggers, the ones that go up 4x-10x in a couple of years! This book show you how to sift out probable winners

    3. Next, you need to understand more on the promising sectors, promising companies, etc. So start reading the Economic Times daily, watch CNBC TV 18 -your stocks with Udyan, UtVi, NDTV Profit. There are also dedicated shows on Sat/Sunday mornings 9.30 am onwards till 11 am or so on CNBC TV18 - that cover investing basics, markets next week-basically trading calls for the week, and other useful shows.

    4. You could also join some investing/Trading groups to learn more from other investors. Here by listening on the conversations, you can shorten your learning curve. I dont do Trading so I cant tell you about such groups, but there are good long term investing groups like

    You can check out more such yahoogroups at

    5. Once you have spent some time in all above, say 3-6 months, you will see that you start forming some ideas of your own. That you are able to comment on or question what someone is saying on TV, the yahoogroup or even what your friends offer as stock ideas. If you are unable to comment /question anything on most of the pronouncements by analysts/others thats a pretty good indicator that you are not ready yet. If you venture out at this stage, you are probably not investing but gambling away hard earned money:-)

    So read up, ask questions, see that you are able to interpret/question/comment on what others are saying. Only then take small bets in companies you believe in, which have some track records. Don't go for quick profits, thats a sure recipe for disaster!

    Good Luck!

  7. you don't learn how to swim by reading a book, then go jump in the ocean, right?

    go to and open a virtual trading account. Trade that account based on what you have learned, based on answers you got here. I wish you the best in your efforts!

    I have some articles on my blog about online trading, see if you can find something that might interest you.

  8. You can look at this good tutorial here :

  9. simple pick any 2/4/6/8 (number of your choice) don't buy just keep track of prices for 15 days see the up n down try to track the news regarding stock market u can also read the newspaper like ET or business standard etc . there is nothing very difficult it is very easy but regularity is demanded

  10. The stock market is just a place to buy or sell stocks or shares of a company. You need to learn the basics of investing, try this site below.

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