
How do i learn how to do telekinesis or pyrokinesis

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How do i learn how to do telekinesis or pyrokinesis




  1. You can't you'll just learn them naturally. Like you have to be born with it and it can be build over time.

  2. You cannot learn to do these things.  Sorry.

    No such thing.  

  3. it is possible

    here are some links you might find helpful :)

    in some of these links, you will have to find a part about pyrokinesis, but it is there. good luck!

    in my opinion, just about anything is possible, if you are smart enough to find a way, or are clever enough to find a way to make it possible. i dont mean fake it though. if you want my explanation to it, merry christamas- if you think about it, everyone and everything is made up of atoms and energy. there is no denying that. with that being said, why cant we control that energy with our minds (also energy)? think about this- when we want to pick up our arm, it moves. i know, there are synapses and all that other stuff, but it was still the thought that made it move. since everything is made of energy, why cant we use something else to affect that energy present in something?

    i hope i gave you enough to ponder for a while.

    Good Luck!!!!! and, have a great day!


  4. You need to deal with your anger issues first.  The usual block to any psychic phenomenon is the bodies' own dis-abilities.  

    Contact the A.R.E for assistance.  But be warned they will put you with a group called 'A Search for God'  the group is called this because that's what Edger Cayce called them. they had several meditation sessions and studies to go through and very few can make it. (BTW) I haven't either.

  5. I dont know yet.  But im sure in the future they will both be as common as walking.

  6. don't listen to mad cat or any one that tells you that it isn't real

    there probably fat lazy men sitting on there computer

    never been to collage and never will

    and nothing about the mine

    ok  I'm back


    is mine over matter

    and any one can

    learn t.k

    even madcat can

    you have to block ever thing out

    medation is the key

    when you learn to clear ever thing from your mind

    you will be able to master tk, pk. ek

    ever thing from head to toe

    you must allso have a clean arura

    and have charcas open

    when you get to the point were you can clear your mine and keep thoghts out you can do t.k

    t.k includes

    moving things with the mine

    psi balls, shields


    astrul projetion


    feel others pain and feelings

    using your astrul body

    do this and you will

    learn telekinesis

  7. just think long and hard about it.

  8. You can't. Not possible. People have been trying this stuff for thousands of years with no success.

  9. In all seriousness, find somebody that knows how to do them, and ask that person.

    I say that because, as you must be aware, there isn't any good evidence that telekinesis or pyrokinesis are even real.  In fact, if they ARE real they violate a couple of pretty well-understood laws of physics.

    Notice what I said:  I said there's no evidence that they're real...I didn't come right out and say they aren't real at all.  If they are real, and if they can be performed by humans, then somebody must know how.  So, with the warning that your quest will probably be fruitless, I send you out to find that person.

    If you DO find the person and learn how to do either of those things, be sure to email me, won't you?  I think those would be pretty sweet powers to have.

  10. First you must become one with your self. Only then can you learn to become one with the element you wish to control.

  11. I've done it myself (telekinesis). Don't listen to the BS that people say that its fake. For every subject or idea there will be a person that tries convincing you its fake.

    All I can say is that I'm a little worried teaching people this now. Most get lazy and just say its fake or practice the wrong way causing them to get little - no progress (psi wheel). Imagine if everyone knew how to do it properly or if someone got carried away with this stuff. I can barely trust anyone. I'm just going to give you a generic answer, but if you are truly dedicated you will get to a point where everything makes sense, the pieces connect and your eyes will be wide open. Remember, this is just a very generic and stupid answer - on purpose:


  12. I'll be glad to teach you if you do me a favor, I can even teach you how to bent time and space a.k.a time traveling, and anything you wanna learn.

    Be warned, this is an extremely difficult and dangerous task. The person must undergo extreme mind-killing and body-torturing trainings. The person MUST not only be physically strong, but also mentally.They might lose their body parts anytime and even death. The tiniest feeling of giving up in the middle can caused mental disorder or if worse, can be fatal. So far there has only one man survive the training. Every other one of them are ended up disabeld, severely injured, mentally illed or dead. Are you ready for that?

    If you are, meet me at the exact midpoint of The Great Wall of China between Shanhaiguan and Lop Nur.

    But don't forget, my favor comes first, I'll teach you only if you could tell my mom that his son had suceed in controling his ability and regrets that he failed to save her from............... nevermind, just tell her that.

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