
How do i learn how to swim??

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I want to learn how to swim but with out a teacher i dont even have a pool and im really scared lol!! I always had a fear of drowning when i was 5 and couldnt go over it!




  1. Go with a friend to a local pool and have them help you. It is pretty simple since you pretty much just float there if you move your arms around and legs. You won't drown and if you start to remember there are lifeguards to help you. Don't be frightened just because you don't know how yet you will get used it.

  2. Have a lifegaurd teach you

  3. Take lessons at the YMCA.

  4. can't someone in ya family help you?? Or asking a lifeguard is a good idea but u would have to pay. (probally)

  5. well just go in the low end and you wont drown because its usally 3ft or 5ft

  6. Make sure any practicing/ learnign you do is under the careful supervision of a lifeguard. But other than that A lot of cities have places that offer free lessons or very cheap ones if not free, and watching someone swim be it live on tv or online is always helpful, actually learning the correct form is always good as it increases efficiency and you will tire less. But practice is the key to learning anyhing. Community pools are always an option and stay shallow until you are comfortable going into any deeper waters.

  7. Ask a close or trusted friend to teach you :)

  8. Go to the local sportsplex if you have one and pay for a lesson.

    If you dont have one of those in your town, search for swimming classes near by. Im sure you will be able to find one.

  9. Get thrown into a pool!

    Thats how I learned T__T

    Lol no jk don't do that

    well try and go to any public pool or beach

    And practice kicking around till you can

    start moving on to the deep =P

  10. First of all, NEVER swim alone. A public pool is a good place to learn ; You can observe other people swimming. Start out in shallow water, and progress to deeper water, as you learn.Make friends with other swimmers; they will be happy to help you.

  11. just start off in water you can stand in and start moving in deeper water and ask or watch people how to tread then tread the way they do. so start treading in water that you can barley touch the ground then keep moving deeper. make sure you have a good swimmer with you so you don't drown for your own safety.

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