
How do i learn more about dirtbikes????

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i need to learn more about dirtbikes! because i feel stupid when i'm around my boyfriend and his family cuz they're really into dirtbikes and racing and i think it's kool to watch! and i know cars and stuff i just don;t know anyting about dirtbikes! help! i just want to learn more!!! because he's very passionate about em!




  1. Join a forum.  here's mine   you can ask a question, any question about bikes and you'll get more answers than you'll know what to do with.  From those answers, you can form you're own opinion on the subject.

  2. google dirtbikes and read all you can-

  3. Believe me when I say you know enough already. the need to know is the thing you need.  your Boyfriend will be most impressed by what you pick up, not by what youve learned and not understood.  if you need to know,  you will.  if your trying to impress   you will fall flat. do what you need to.

    it will all be ok.  you will love it.   do it for youself . . not him.

    when we love ourselves others will love us.

  4. You could :

    Type dirtbikes into yahoo or Google

    Look to see if it's on a sports channel. If you watch it you're probably going to learn more about it

    or  you could ask your boyfriend about them and get him to explain them to you.

  5. just ask them to teach you! it'd be a great bonding experience.

  6. start reading about the subject, start paying attention to your BF when he talks about it to his friends....etc.... the knowledge will come......

  7. Why not get involved at a different level (unless of course you really want to work on the bikes themselves then this wont be for you).  With motocross and supercross racing there are many things you can do to be involved especially at club level.  Next time your boyfriend races introduce yourself to the people who run the day and find out about doing a course to become an official.  By being an official you can start small and help out with lapscoring and work your way up to being clerk of the course and steward.  By lapscoring you get to know the bikes that your boyfriend is racing against and with that comes other knowledge.  Some of the jobs involved in a race day are very simple and you could just be in charge of handing out the pegs for grid selection, but it certainly is a great way to be involved in the sport and start to learn.  Where I live you have to do a course over a few days and sit a test to get your level 2 officials licence and then put in some time to be allowed to move on to the next level.  You also have to do the same test and do it in a very fast time proving you know the rules.  

    THis course would also teach you about what is allowed on the track and what all the flags mean.  It also teaches you how to deal with people, so is a good thing just for life skills.

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