
How do i learn to move stuff with my mind and also bend things...(serous answers only) ...any websites?

by  |  earlier

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like that guy uri geller....please tell me websites that teach u for free.....if u know how to do it let me know ur ways




  1. its fake stuff...  look at the guy above... change traffic lights with your mind?  coincedence!! XD

  2. your wanting to know how to do a Las Vegas act? I think you spent too much time watching reruns of Johnny Carson.

  3. Telekinesis is just one of those things that don't come easy for me, for some reason. The only telekinetic skill I've learned so far is that I can cause traffic lights to change just by staring at them.


  4. This is as serious as a heart attack.It can't be done.Just for fun put telekinesis in the search for questions.

    see how many of them can do it.Think about something else.If it were possible, do you think it would be hard to find out how?Do you think demonstrations wouldn't be everywhere.If it sounds to good to be true and so on.

  5. Read the book about Edgar Cayce, he could read a whole book by just putting it to his forehead.

    These things are hard for people to comprehend because it doesnt fit into the framework of our minds, and therefore must not be true.

    It actually is possible and my experience of supernatural powers are found through our hearts and souls intent on finding a higher power, be it God, or whatever names you want to call it.  These powers are given through work and responsibility. there are more people out there that can do these things but dont say anything about because of people not understanding it and labeling them or their power.

    meditation, prayer, divine power harnessing is crucial to cultivate these powers.  also chanting and yoga... i can recommend a science of yoga that is especially powerful to awaken the dormant soul to its potential...Kundalini Yoga.  search it on google.  You will find a teacher near you.  Call them and have a conversation. is a good place to start.... enjoy

  6. i know a site , but it is in will have to do a training of 3 weeks or more to ope your chakras and train your mind first

    here ya go

  7. please  join  my  group   thats  one  of  the  reasons  i  created  it as  of yesterday  there  aremany  postings  and many  more  on the  way..

    colin wilson  wrote  alot  on the  subject  and  so  did  an  19th  century  auther   named  bulwer lytton   "zanoni"

    much more  to  be  said  contact me  through the  group

  8. First of all, you don't want to do it "like...Uri Geller". "Like Uri Geller" means performing tricks and then lying to your audience. The magician Randi showed how you can perform every trick that Uri Geller does. Then Uri Geller tried to sue him and lost in court.

    If you want to really learn how to move things with your mind you have to learn to transcend beyond the dimensions of x,y,z, and time. Focus on the reality of a future position of an object until we move to that future. The probability of the location of an object is based on the Heisenberg principle. In normal language an object has a certain probablility that it could be 1 micron, 1 inch or even 1 mile from where we measure it. All future probabilities can occur. You can focus on the future probability that a coin will be in a different location than where you see it now. This procedure requires meditation and stepping outside of the present reality.

    Get it? I just made up the last paragraph using both scientific and mystic sounding words. This is how con-men fool their ignorant audiences.

  9. I think this is possible..but only because I think I knew somebody who did this. He had some kind of power...I'm still trying to figure  him out.He was not a good person. Jus sayin'...

  10. This is a joke, right?  I have no way of knowing, so I'll just answer as if it's serious, which I doubt.

    Uri Geller is a fraud.  This has been *very* well established.  If you wish to learn how to bend objects like he does buy some books that explain magic tricks.  Everything he does is an illusion.  Everything he bends he bends with his own two hands.  He does nothing with his mind alone.

    The main difference between people like Geller and other magicians is that, despite the fact they are both performing illusions, Geller says it's real and the others are honest to their audiences.  Little white lies for the sake of showmanship is one thing, but to make everything up as Geller does is unethical as well as dishonest.

    Edgar Cayce was a fraud too.  Don't believe me?  Look what he had to say about Atlantis.  It's entertaining in its absurdity.  He could read a book without opening it?  Who the h**l falls for that trick?

  11. You will waste your time. It is a fantasy. Sorry. You do not and never will have super powers of any kind.

  12. Remember "There is no spoon"

  13. I have been trrying for years to no avial. I gather you must have the talent for it  to begin with, like singing, not every one can you  know.

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