
How do i learn to not let things bother me?

by  |  earlier

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i work at a comfort inn and there are a lot of people there that blame me for anything that is wrong. 99% of it isn't my fault. yet they blame me and it is starting to get on my nerves. i have only been here three weeks and when i am here i am the only person because it is such a small hotel (49 rooms). i don't want to quit because there are so many nice people that come through that are interesting to talk to but there are a few, especially a couple construction crews staying for 5 days a week, that aren't happy about certain things and they decide to come up to me and try to demand discounts, special privileges, and other things for things that are out of my control (there isn't the room type available, the room rate is too much, etc). how can i stop myself from getting worked up about this stuff, because i am an anxious person anyway.




  1. because people know if you complain enough, you get a discount.  clearly this is not your call.  tell them they need to talk to the manager.

  2. let them have it girl.  I would be VERY firm when explaining that they need to take up with the manager, hand them a card with a phone number.  And when they go to walk away give them the finger.  You sound like me,  and thats what I would do...or thats what i do do :)

  3. I'm no expert but I used to have a BAD problem controlling my anger. There are few ways to cope, some of which aren't probably the best things to do but they work. Beat up your pillow, have a good yell at the wall when no one's around, try NOT to punch anything particularly hard or valuable. That's if you care to solve things semi-violently. Breathing slowly and deeply when stressed can help, listen to some music that you really like, play a nice violent video game (not for everyone :D). One thing that works well and deeply annoys those who annoy you is to laugh loudly when they yell at or insult you, but that might get you fired. I really don't recommend the violent stuff, but it helped me progress to my current much calmer self. I hope at least some of this helped you out. Good luck.

  4. Ignore and don't pay attention  ,just  worry  about  yourself  

    and  don't  let  thing's  bother  you. Just  always  tell  THEM  to TALK   to  the  management  then SMILE  and  turn  around.

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