
How do i learn to ride a halfpipe on a skateboard without killing myself?

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How do i learn to ride a halfpipe on a skateboard without killing myself?




  1. You will fall. It's inevitable. If you never fall, then you're not challenging yourself.

    Start with learning to drop in. That's the hardest part. Start with a quarter pipe and just get used to balancing your weight while dropping in before you worry about trying to actually skate a half pipe. Once you have dropping in down, then you can focus on pumping inside the half pipe and then trying some kickturns & eventually stalls on the coping. Wear pads if you want, you might look dorky, but personally I'm less afraid to try new things when I'm wearing pads.

  2. its called a helmet, booty cusions,and pillows!

  3. put an old queen size mattress in the middle of the ramp, then drop in and fall forward into the mattress, after a while it will click and you wont need the mattress.

  4. Practice alot. Start off on small quarter pipes. Then try bigger ones. Once  you get the  hang of it try it on a small 1/2 pipe then a bigger one. In no time you'll 720 McTwisting off a 20 foot 1/2 pipe Tony Hawk style.

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