
How do i let go of old hate & grudges?

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How do i let go of old hate & grudges?




  1. If you're feeling hate, that only means you at one time felt love and other strong feelings. Hate only presents where love once dwelled. Is it really hate you're feeling? Do you really care that much about who you hate? You may need to go to counseling to get an idea of how to get over this.

    Good luck.

  2. very difficult. they've been part of your life for so long, so letting go of these old hates and grudges will be a painful experience emotionally. bear in mind, these emotions are there merely because you are allowing them to make you feel that way. give yourself time to adjust to the shift in your perceptions.

    good luck.  

  3. learn to forgive. its the best way of getting rid of grudges. if someone harms u...or tries to harm u...forgive them for it...and be careful not to let anyone give a chance to him/her to harm u again...and make sure that u bring people to justice and not take it in your own hands, when they commit a crime...

  4. it is difficult

    but remember it is YOUR choice wether you let these grudges rule you and your mind - or you can let them go, and think 'what will be achieved by hating that person' - no matter how much you bash your head in the dark the answer is "nothing".

    you will achieve nothing. hate is such a wasted emotion - try to see the world in a bigger way. so many things are happening because of hate. every war, every terrrorist attack, every bomb, every murder is the result of hate. what if we replaced that hate with love and tolerance ?? can you make a decision in your mind to change your hate into tolerance and peace ?

    read Bhagwad Gita - it is the answer to all of life's questions. (ps you dont have to be a hindu to read it - just google it)

    you will also find prayer and meditation very helpful.  

  5. Choose to, and do it.

    You're hanging on to them by your own choice, no one is forcing you.

  6. love one-another

  7. Because the hate you are holding onto is becoming your own. Let it go. The person that has upset you may not even be concerned with it, why should you be. Hate takes more energy away from you and the joys you should have in your life. And forgiveness brings you more joy then you can imagine. If you forgive this person, it doesn't mean things have to go back to the way they were. All it means is that you aren't carrying the anger and you will think twice about trusting this person again.

  8. Well it seems that you can't let it go by doing nothing. So perhaps you should do something.  

  9. Try and get things into perspective and move on with your life. Holding things like this inside you can only affect you in the long run so just let go. Maybe write down a list of all your issues and then burn it so you have a physical way of getting rid of all your feelings.

  10. let it go! or, it will destroy you.  you have lost your power, so now take it back!  that is so silly,  remember if your a good person.  you don't have a problem.  beat your drum, and blow your horn!  with a smile...just keep smiling!

  11. You can't...

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