
How do i let him know im not interested!?!?

by  |  earlier

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theres this guy.

i guess he likes me.

he texts me every freakin day at like 2 in the morning.

i heard he's a player, and i dont really want to get involved with him.

i dont like him, but i think he thinks i like him though.

how do i let him know that i dont?




  1. I was in a similar situation, and here's what worked for me. My friend Amber agreed to pretend to be interested in the boy, so the attention would be taken off of me. (Amber's brother is the one who introduced her to him.) Anyway, once Amber and he started texting and stuff, she just stopped talking to him. He stopped acting like I was interested in him.

    So what I'm saying is this.  Get one of your best friends to willingly pretend like she is interested in the boy.  If she's hot, then the boy will probably get interested easily. (sadly this is true with some guys.) Anyways, once the spot is off of you, your friend can sort of ditch him in a subtle way.

  2. If he texts you at 2 in the morning, you have every reason not to respond.. I'm personally not very good at being upfront with  guys when it comes to not liking them... But I would say when you talk to him don't be rude or anything just let him know that you aren't interested without saying it. Or just tell him that you are not interested in him or don't want to talk.

    And if he ever asks you to do stuff or starts talking about sexual things-just let him know that you aren't like that.. Talking or being friends with players-almost always leads to hurt.

  3. 1st of all why do he has you #. any who keep ingoring him he will soon get the picture that  your not interested. good luck

  4. 1.) Ignore his texts.

    2.) Tell him You have a Boy Friend.

    3.) Tell him flat out "You are not my Type"

    But you say you think he thinks you like him.

    so to me that means you answer his texts and 2 am and you give him the time of day. try to ignore him would be my best bet. because if you continue to talk to this guy and feed his craving for some attention your going to give him mixed signals so sweety try your best and if you feel bad about ignoring him just let him know the truth. hope this helps - Rosa

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