
How do i load videos from my video camera onto my computer?

by  |  earlier

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I have a video camera that uses those little cassette thingys. will these still alow me to load my videos onto my computer? there IS a cord for it- it is acord with the red and white plastic things on the end of it. Those 2 cords form ONE cord at the top,. allowing it to plug into my video camera. so WHERE THE HECK DO THE RED AND WHITE ENDS GO? WHERE DO I PLUG THEM INTO MY COMPUTER???????? CONFUSION HURTS MY HEAD!




  1. To connect it to the computer, your computer must first have a video card with the correct input sockets.

  2. We can provide much better help Allison if you tell us a bit more about those "little cassette thingys"

    Please read what it says on the cassette

    Does it anywhere say "VHS-C" or mention VHS at all ???

    Does it say anywhere "DV" or anything similar  ???

    Does it say "Hi8" or "Hi8mm" or anything similar  ???

    Does it say "8mm"  (no mention of Hi) anywhere ???

    Thats four different types of "cassette thingys" - once we know that someone can give you a sensible definitive answer.


  3. If you have big cassette thingys (VHS) then you need an analog converter, if you get one, the red, yellow and white wires will be self explanatory.

    Your  dv (cassette thingys) camcorder needs a firewire connection (ieee 1394) in order to download video, your PC probably did not come with a firewire port, so you will have to buy one and install it, since most computers (except possibly brand new) don't come with a firewire port, your camcorder did not come with a firewire cord so you have to purchase a cord too. Your camcorder did come with a USB cord and that is used for downloading stills from your camcorder.

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