
How do i look?pics? what would you rate me

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what would u rate me on the right side?1-10




  1. Your pretty and your hair is beautiful omg i wish i had it your georgues  

  2. dude pleax don ask that here...or anywhere else - i feel bad cuz ur puttin urself out there 4 people 2 judge & its stupid cuz there r som stupid people out thtere who r gonna b all 'ur ugly' or w/e (which ur not @ all) & ull take it seriously while they laugh themselves sounds 2 me u think ur pretty special [sexycutealexis] so y ask?

  3. maybe the girls like that hair.... but holy c**p man.... whys it so tall?  the face is alright, but ... POOF!

  4. your very pretty

    i love your hair!!

  5. I would say cute but not classy. the hair thing is kinda 80's

  6. 10 r u asian?

  7. 8/10 i love your hair as well very pretty

  8. You put this in the wrong section, hon

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