
How do i loose weight EASILY?

by  |  earlier

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give me lots of advice but nice EASY things, please. dont mind if it takes time just not years thankyou in advance x




  1. while avoding bad snack foods: eg: chocolate, cakes etc

    try to moove alot more- run to the car - run


    do about 30 starjumps a day

    go tot he gym

    play your fave sport

    fittness - will make u loose pounds in about a month

    good luck

  2. eat half of what you eat now....

    do double the exercise you do now..

    its very demanding but well worth it

  3. drink 7 glasses of water eat 5 fruits 1 veg do regular exercise  

  4. If you're serious about losing weight, and doing it relatively quickly, then you just have to tough it out. But if you're still wishy-washy about it, you can always just change a few habits you have to at least try to make yourself a little healthier.

    For example, things like:

    -Always take the stairs instead of escalators, or elevators.

    -Make a habit of drinking 8 glasses of water. Carry water bottles with you all the time!

    -If you're in high school or college, try joining a sport! If you're not, if you have time (even once a week is fine), try joining a gym or going to a yoga/cardio/kickboxing class. (It's also great on stress, too).

    -Switch your soda or diet soda with tea, or even Crystal Light. High Fructose Corn Syrup & Aspartame are two of the worst things for you, so to stop drinking them - is to at least take a step towards being better to your body!

    -Encourage your family/spouse/friends to do something active and exciting with you, such as camping, swimming, going on a walk, hiking, skiing, etc.

    By changing small habits you should be able to at least lose a little weight without even trying. However, losing a lot of weight does take a lot of work.

  5. if you really want to lose your weight.don't worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts and drink fresh juices.for more info visit the below website.

  6. Easy way is surgery, but I don't recommend it.  The simple, most effective plan is to eat less...exercise more.  Only you know what you can livewith.


  7. There's no quick and easy way. If there was, everybody would know about it and use it, and the inventor would be rich.

    Avoid fad diets, crash diets, diet pills, internet bargains and the like. They won't help you, and could very well hurt you.

    Weight loss is achieved when you burn more calories than you consume... so if you eat less and sit around, you won't lose weight.

    You need a combination of healthy diet and reasonable exercise to stay in shape.

    And there's no such thing as "permanently" You can always gain weight back by tilting the equation the other way. If you want to keep weight off, you need to keep eating healthy and exercising.

    High protein, low fat, minimal good carbs, and sugar-free liquids to keep you from getting dehydrated.

    There are plenty of good nutrition sites on the web that can help you.

    As to exercise, even walking is good. Find something you like - swimming, basketball, whatever - and start a regular program of exercise. If you enjoy it, it'll be easier to keep it up.

  8. Diet and exercise.  Decrease your caloric intake and increase your workouts.  

    Or, find someone with a really  high metabolism and switch bodies.

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