
How do i lose 68 pounds?

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is there any some sort of diet plan that i can follow so i can lose this amount of weight in such a short time sayyy about 4 months.. and no i can not take diet pills because i am only 16.. i really need to lose weight i weigh about 187 and im 5'4... =[




  1. Please don't try not eating.

    Eat your three meals, it's all about portions.

    Don't eat as much as you used to, take it down a notch and just eat enough to where you feel satisfied.

    1/2 of each meal should be a fruit or veggie.

    Drink plenty of water.

    When you are hungry, drink a cup of water first. Do you feel fuller now? [:

    3 times a week get outside and jog for an hour.

    Jump rope while watching tv, stretch, touch your toes, try to stay active. Your calves will hurt, but after 2 days, they will feel better because the muscle is finally working again.

    Really, stay active and watch the portions of what you eat. You'll feel better, too. My best tip is to go on youtube and look up 'kickboxing', I do it everyday and DANG it feels great! [[:

  2. You can go for a walk or jog or go to the gym 4-5 times a week. Walk at a good pace so that you are burning calories and getting your heart rate up. You should work out at least 4-5 days a week, If you dont want to walk u can dance or join a sports team or ride a bike or do exercise videos. You should work out for at least 40mins to a hour each time.

    Eat a lot of Veggies excluding potatoes and corn. eat veggies like salad greens ( lettuce, spinach etc) tomatoes, cucumber... etc. Avoid starchy veggies such as potatoes and corn.

    Along with the Veggies eat chicken or fish for protien. U can eat beef but beef can add bulk to your body and if you are a female you may not want that. Chicken and Fish are leaner meats.

    You can eat fruit but dont eat ALOT of fruit because it does have sugar in it. Even though it is natural sugar you still should not eat ALOT of it.

    Avoid eating bread and pasta and basically anything primarily made of flour or corn meal. You should avoid these foods until you reach your goal.

    No sweets or junk food.

    Only drink Water.

    Juice, Milk and Soda will not be good for your diet.

    If you wanna be healthy you cant lose weight REALLY fast because it is not good for you. But if you eat like this you can Lose probably 10 pounds or more in a month but ONLY if you exercise. The more u work out the more u will lose.

  3. What I did was just quit eating.  Just eat twice a day.  Eat breakfast, then eat your last little meal at four o' clock.  Dont eat past 4.  I lost about 25 pounds doing just that.  I didnt even exercise.

  4. Hi

    There is a plan but it will take you a lot work, luckly you have your youth on your side.

    To start losing weight fast, you need to speed up your metabolism asap. start eating in 2 hour periods, small snacks in between breakfest and lunch. Make lunch your biggest meal of the day. Start to slow down on the food bigtime towards the end of the day and make your last snack around 8pm.

    Cut out a lot of fatty foods from your diet. and replace them with fruit,salads, nuts etc.

    drink lots of water, this will help with your metabolism.

    Also start doing cardio 4-5 times a week. try and get the workout in before you have anything to eat in the morning. A coffee/energy drink to kick start you in the morning is fine.

    After this process for a few weeks, you should start to put some light weight resistance into your program, this will help burn the fat bigtime!

    Lightweight weights will build strength and help tone, it will not make you bulk up!

  5. The answer is not diet pills. If you cut out sweets, sodas, breads, and veggies that are grown in the ground (potatoes, carrots, etc) you will lose the weight. Also exercise. Walk, do sit ups, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car farther in the parking lot. Also, do not not eat. It will cause you to initially gain weight. Good Luck!* Ms. T

  6. Yes...I can tell you exactly how to do it.   First off, only eat 1200 calories per day.  Don't eat less than that, and TRY not to eat more.  If you have to its better to go a little over 1200 than under.  Next (this one you ain't gonna like)  you have to walk or jog 14 miles per day.  (this basically means you need to walk briskly for about 3 hours per day)   1 mile walked= 100 calories burned.

    Actually with this type of schedule you will actually lose 68 pounds a little faster than 4 months depending on how much you lose the first week.   (you will probably lose 10-15 pounds the first week then slow down a bit to about 3-5 pounds a week lost after that.  It will be hard, but just think how good you will look in 4 months

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