
How do i lose weight? im only 15!?

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im 15 years old and want a diet that is made for teens. i dont want to be on a crash diet, but im about 15 pounds overweight and i hate it. i know its not alot but i really wanna lose this weight. if i can lose it, i acn keep it off. i just wanna starve myself, but i know that wont help anything. can anyone help?????




  1. Exercise. Nothing is real unless you exercise and maintain a healthy diet. Stay away from fast food and greasy or fried stuff. Eat lots of fruits, juice and vegetables with some protein.

    At 15, you need a good healthy diet anyways.

  2. All diets are ridiculous; even if you lose 15 lbs through dieting, it'll all come back. Just exercise on a treadmill for 30+ minutes a day, and I guarantee you'll lose weight

    EDIT: And, I read somewhere that "fitness is a journey, not a destination." Think about that :)

  3. Starving yourself will not help keep you from being fat in the future, it may actually make your body want to "horde" fat when it comes your way.

    So, how do I recommend a 15 year old girl lose 15 lbs in a safe and healthy manner?

    Start your day with a spoonful of honey (local honey is preferred), and a glass of water.

    Play/move often, in the sunshine. (Moderate amounts of sunshine and fresh air, combined with free movement helps digestion, metabolism, vitamins, mood, balance etc).  Walk, garden, dance, play frisbee, do cartwheels, play tag, rollerblade, bike ride, whatever!

    Regularly consume foods obviously made by nature, and delivered without much modification.  Fresh fruit, veggies, potatoes, milk, cream, cheese, yogurt, butter, eggs, nuts, peanut butter, etc.

    Do not fear natural fats, but choose them from wholesome sources.

    Practice good posture, and positive thinking.

    That is really it I think.  Your inner wisdom will guide you toward your goal, all you have to do is listen and act.  :-)

    In Joy!


  4. go and speak to your doctor or health worker, they can put you in touch with the right people to help you, your body is still growing and changing so you really need to speak to a specialist  

  5. A lot of people on Yahoo! Answers will probably tell you that it's unsafe and impossible -- but to be honest, it's not. Sure, it's unhealthy, but being overweight isn't healthy either!

    The simplest diet that I found was to go on a juice detox diet. Just drink 100% orange juice for a couple of weeks. Oh yeah, and drink different amounts of juice each day. (Calorie shifting maximizes your weight loss!) When you feel that you've reached your ideal weight, introduce solid food to your diet slowly, because otherwise you will gain it all back.

    Since your stomach stored a lot of fat while you weren't eating, go on a low-carb diet (20g or less) because when you have a deficiency in carbs, your body burns the stored fat for energy.

    Slowly increase your carb, calorie and solid food intake with fruits and veggies.

    You don't have to exercise since you'll be too exhausted, so just fidget as you sit. You CAN burn a lot of calories!

    And for a healthy lifestyle, I recommend that you limit your calorie intake to 2000 per day and carbs - 90g per day.

    Tips - 1. Since your metabolism will slow down, take 1 tea spoon of VIRGIN coconut oil every four hours. It's great!

    2. Make sure to take multivitamins!! (take them at night before you go to sleep)

    3. Since no food will be consumed, you are likely to develop constipation, so drink laxative tea each evening.

    4. To prevent cravings (and increase your metabolism by 20%) chew sugarfree gum all day.

    5. Grapefruit juice would also be great. You don't even have to make your own juice, you can just buy it, but make sure it's pure, no sugars or toxins added.

    6. Drink enough water each day. If you are overweight, you probably have 7 pounds of excess water! Divide your weight by 2, and that'll be how many ounces of water you should be getting each day. (eg = 100 pounds = 50 fl oz) To maximize results, drink 30 extra oz! I know it sounds like a LOT of water, but that's because our ancestors were adapted to water being scarce. Just carry a 25-ounce water bottle everywhere you go. For the first few weeks you'll make a lot of trips to the bathroom, but then you'll pee less often, just in bigger ammounds.

    I hope this helps, it's the complete guide to maximum weight loss. So you don't need to pay like 40 bucks on diet scams. :-) Spread the word, and don't tell your doctor otherwise he'll hunt me down!  

  6. The easiest way to lose weight is to burn the fat exercising.

    I eat what I want but it doesn't matter as I am burning the fat anyway through exercise, however, if i didn't exercise i would increase and fast.

    Dieting is the hardest part of losing weight. Try playing badminton as that is a fun sport you can play with mates and it is surprising how much fat you will burn. Eat only what you need and exercise more and you will lose weight a lot quicker,

    good luck  

  7. drinks lot of water

    not sweets or fats

    excersise regular

    eat less

  8. My little brother is the same age as you and he was  also overweight by about the same amount. Now he looks thinner and at a very good average weight. Please do not do anything crazy like starving yourself, which can lead to other complications. My brother just stopped eating fast food and stopped drinking soda like coca cola. He replaced the soda with water and natural juice and instead of eating fast food he just ate nice home cooked food. Once he got into the habit of eating and drinking wisely he started to lose a couple of pounds each week. He also added some form of light cardio vascular exercise. Really walking half an hour each day is enough. Just don't sit in once place for too long. The trick is in taking up healthy habits. For example instead of playing a computer game the whole time, you can have fun by playing sports etc... Also do not eat right before you sleep, because the food will be stored immediately as fat. A very important habit I do is to eat at a slow pace. The stomach realizes it is full 20 minutes after eating, so it is important to pace yourself instead of eating fast otherwise you may experience a stomach ache. You have nothing to worry about, at your age it is very easy to lose weight the healthy and normal way.  

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