
How do i lose weight in a healthy way?

by  |  earlier

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i mean, what foods to eat and what not to eat. i'm 13, 5'2.5, 117lbs, and...i recently shopped and discovered that i am already a size 8. i'm not anorexic or anything..




  1. Simply just don't eat junk food and everything will be okay after few years.

  2. the most important thing is to lose weight in a way that u can stick to, otherwise u'll just gain everything back when you get off the diet.

    this is what i recommend: (keep in mind this may not work for everyone)

    eat around 3 servings of yogurt everyday

    avoid bad carbs. (stuff like honey)

    exercise is probably by far the most important thing to do. but, dont overexert your body. it needs to lose weight gradually and slowly, so u can keep to ur new and improved wieght.

    hope i helped. =)

  3. Simply eat properly.  Variety of vegetables, as many colours as you can, and protein.  Keep your carb intake low.

  4. it's fine to be a size 8, don't worry about that. but, i went on a diet too!! and have lost weight. all i did was work out a lot. like jogging the neighborhood and doing work out videos. with the food part, all i did was check out calories and drunk lots of juice. sometimes thurst is mistaken for hunger. so, just eat right and be active, and you'll be ok!

  5. i think you shouldn't be worried about your are 117...your fine in my opinion^^ in a healthy way? try to do some exercises everyday...drink a lot of water.. try to not eat 40 donuts a day... eat fruits,vegetables..  well try to move and stay in shape!^^

  6. Forget crazy diets for losing weight.. Acai Berry is this new product I've been trying after seeing it on Oprah. I'm already seeing results!! You should give it a shot, here's a special link for a free 14-day trial.

  7. Here's a useful article on how your shd eat to lose weight:

  8. i'd say that you should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and avoid any kind of processed food.

    also, i'd urge you to relax about being a size 8. it sounds cliche, but there are many different kinds of beauty in the world, and size two doesn't necessarily mean beautiful.  

  9. well your not overweight...yet

    just watch what you eat and exercise as often as possible...

    or if you can't exercise... just be active in school...there's a lot to do.

    try different diets until you find the one that's effective for you...

    you're still young, you have a lot of time to cope with it.

    and one more thing... that's puberty... i think you'd rather watch your body fat than your weight...


  10. Take more exercises. You could do it in your room though. At least 30 minutes a day.

    If you would take a medicine i suggest to take the natural one. This herbal medicine is for example. Try it for at least 6 month. Good luck!

  11. lose weight , i'm sorry girls like you make me mad  i give my eye teeth to  be at that  weight 117 lbs *rolls eyes*  but just eating right fresh fruits , vegetables health meals and  no more pops  drink  green teas , water any  thing but sugar drinks  maybe  start swim , jog , have a  work out program.

  12. the healthy way is long and hard, you will have alot of bad cravings and think of food all the time.

    the easiest thing to do is to not eat for like a week - having only the bare mininum, this is what alot of people do and you will looses so much weight really quickly, as long as you can get past the cravings you will have in the sirft 3 days or so

  13. The healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets nor bursts of exercise. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise.

    For example, someone who has not exercised for years should not rush into running miles a day or pounding the treadmill. Not only will the struggle to do so leave you feeling disheartened and demotivated, you're also far more likely to injure yourself and set your fitness levels back further.

    The same goes for people who suddenly start starving themselves. Diets that severely restrict calories or the types of food 'allowed' can lead you to be deficient in the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs.

    So if you need to lose weight, what should you do?

    Energy needs and weight loss

    Your body uses food for energy. It stores any excess energy as fat. This means if you eat more food than your body needs for daily activities and cell maintenance, you will gain weight.

    To lose weight, you need to get your body to use up these stores of fat. The most effective way to do this is to:

    reduce the amount of calories you eat

    increase your levels of activity.

    This is why experts talk about weight loss in terms of diet and exercise.


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