
How do i make 8th grade the best year ever?

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any tips?

how do i becume friends with almost everyone?

how do i becume well liked?

step by step please





  1. well start by making small talk with the people sitting next to you. after awhile they'll introduce you to their friends and so on. always say hi to people you know to be on good terms with them. always be smiling and laughing even if you're in a not so great mood. bring unique things like a cool pencil or necklce. most importantly have fun.

  2. join clubs in school every click has a club they meet try to do as many as you could you can make lots of friends by doing that and everyone will know you too

  3. to be friends with almost everyone is easy just be nice and say hi but if you are in a school with 9th graders you have to be careful what you say . and to be well liked you have to not do crazy thing if front of people and help people .

  4. During 8th grade, everyone was focused on making it the best. Learn to be outgoing and friendly. You don't have to necessarily be all bad.

    1. Approach people by saying heyyy. Never say hi. Its too shyish. Say hey. Its more cooler. My middle school was small and the 8th grade class was 56 students. It was Catholic elementary. I was new in 6th grade. For the entire year, I didn't talk. I decided to re-invent my self for 7th grade. I started to talk more and be loud and everything, I wasn't rude or anything. I was more of a outgoing funny person. People started talking to me more and I made my best friend. People always say "be yourself" and cr@p. Yes, don't try to act all preppy when you are a tomboy. Just be you.

    2. Don't be a social climber. You will not be accepted for you are. Don't change anything FOR NOBODY. If somebody doesn't accept you for you, then simply say "*****, I don't live to PLEASE you." It is as simple as that.

    3. If you want to be friends with everyody, you should have 1 common interest with one group. Fore example, for jocks share your knowledge of football but only something that they DID NOT know. For preps, try wearing a cute outfit. If you like something they had you could say "I was at the mall at ______, and I saw something to match that skirt or something." Most s****. preps are used to being complimented. You doing so will not make any difference. For emo, you could try listening to a band that most emo like. You have to really like it However, don't change yourself for anybody. In my case, I was just a well-rounded person. I had common interests in everything. Some preps were like, "______ is soo hot." I would say yeah, his dark hair and pale blue eyes are s**y, but I have a thing for brown eyed boys like so-so who is also hot.  

  5. Be nice, join clubs, get involved :)  

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