
How do i make a 7 grade teacher not hate me her student?

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I am about to start 7 grade and i need to know how to keep the teacher happy. Help me.




  1. The best way to become a good student is to arrive on time with all your materials, study, and wait to be called on. There shouldn't be any reason for her to disapprove of your actions if you don't follow these simple rules. Promise, it's not so bad!

  2. Contrary to student belief, it really takes a lot for a teacher to really hate a student.  In general, if you don't undermine their credibility with the rest of the class, they won't hate you.  If you want to keep them happy with you, listen carefully to what they say and make sure you do what they ask of you.  It really is that simple.

  3. Stay after class and ask the teacher if you could work on a special project for him/her.

  4. Just spoil her with gifts. That's what I do & it wins all of them over :]

  5. Just do your work and what you are told.

  6. I am a seventh grade teacher, and I have never truly hated a student (I promise!)...I even love the bad ones.  But, if you want help on how to be successful next year, here are two important hints:

    - Take an interest in your education (for example do your classwork and homework, and ask questions if you are confused)

    - Be polite and respectful, both to the teacher and your classmates.  This includes not talking at inappropriate times, helping out your peers, etc.

    If you can follow these, I promise you will have a better year.   Good luck!

  7. Belle 113 is correct.

    Just do your work and behave yourself.

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