
How do i make a bruise go away?

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On friday i was getting out of my sister's car and the door hit me on my calf muscle and then over the next couple of days it started to bruise but i never saw one that bruised this way.. my bruise looks weird to me. its in a big circle and in the middle of it where the corner of the door actually hit it.. it looks normal like the rest of my leg and is about the size of a nickel and is hard (that's the weird part) and around that is the normal dark bruise. I don't understand why i have this hard part in the middle of my bruise.. how do i make all of it go away because it looks really ugly.




  1. Massage it with coconut oil regularly for 15 days, it will disappear

  2. I can imagine the fuss you'll be making when you get pregnant!

    It's a bruise, what's a big deal? Let it heal and that's that. Or, you can put some make up over it, but since it's on the leg, does it really matter?

  3. Wait. A bruise is blood that leaked into the tissue, light massage may help. Exercise keep hydrated.

  4. take a piece of ice and massage it over the bruise this will help the bruise go away faster also if u have access to an ultrasound machine that would be good to

  5. It would have been good to ice it right away, but the time period that would have made that effective has passed.  Several times a day get some lotion or oil and gently massage all around the bruise, that helps break it up.  Also, a hot bath will do wonders, as will taking one aspirin per day for the next few days.  But the massage really will help break it up.  Not to hard, just round and round firmly but gently.

  6. i would use cover up if u hate it that much but if not there is "bruise cream"

  7. Just let it go away on it's own. The hard part is just a swelling. Don't worry, because it is perfectly normal.

  8. Well, you cant. Only time can. I suggest untill it goes away, wear jeans. Hope it gets better! :)

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