
How do i make a girl believe it is snowing outside of her house?

by  |  earlier

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so there is this girl that ive been talking to and i realy like but, she kindof blown me off now and said " i will go out with u if u can make it snow here". I live in san antonio texas and the chances of that happening are very thin. So, i was wonder if theirs any technical thing, or like baking soda off the roof, or shaved ice or somthing i could do to make it seem like snow. I know it mught seem stupid but, if i oculd do this i know she'll go out with me.




  1. IMO if she said that she probably does not want to go out with you.  However, if you can pull it off, maybe she will cahnge her mind.

    Some options would be: 1) get a snow machines that creates snow, and 2) to cover her windows with snow stickers.  That is if for me.  I know some other methods, but they are technical and costly.

    Wish you luck.

  2. It does snow at least every few years in San Antonio, right?  If so, just be patient, eventually it will flurry and she will have to go out with you.  Hopefully by then you will have found somebody else who isn't so shallow.

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