
How do i make a homemade incubator?

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How do i make a homemade incubator?




  1. I would say that a lot of homemade incubators fail. I recommend getting a Little Giant Still Air Incubator. They are great and are easy to set up and use. Only cost $42. They hold 50 duck, turkey, and chicken eggs and 100 quail eggs and goose eggs. All you need to do is set the temp between 98-100 degrees using the k**b and use a thermometer that comes with it. Add water to the botom of the incubator in the water rings.

    A home made needs to keep warmth in an ara, The still air does that. You need a tempurature between 8-100 degrees, using a heatlamp is not reliable and hard to ajust and can get hot spots. You would have to mist spray al the eggs for humidity rather using the still air incubtor had rings to keep humidity in. Also you would haveto turn them 3 times a day, with still air you can buy a atomatic tuner for the incubator. Source(s) own chcikens and ducks, and a still air incubator

  2. Hang a 30 or 40 watt light bulb in a box

  3. As Johnny said the light bulb in a box is the fine, but you need to make sure it is high enough that it will not scorch or over-heat what ever you are going to put under it. If I knew what creature you wanted it for I could give more explicit instructions. If you type "incubator, homemade" into your Yahoo search you will find plenty of information on different critters and their heating needs.

  4. Plans for two still-air incubators. One can be made from cardboard boxes and glass and the other from plywood (or similar material) and glass.

    Don't expect 100 percent success in hatching eggs in these or any other incubators. Commercial hatcheries with all their highly automatic and specialized equipment do not average much more than an 80 percent hatch of all the eggs they incubate. You probably should not count on hatching more than 50 percent, and you may not even succeed in hatching 50 percent.


    The following supplies are needed to construct an inexpensive cardboard box incubator which will hold three dozen or more eggs:

    Two cardboard boxes, one 16" (40.6 cm) wide x 20" (50.8 cm) long x 12-1/2" (31.8 cm) high, the other 14" (35.6 cm) wide x 18" (45.7 cm) long x 13" (33.0 cm) (or more) high

    Single-strength pane of glass 16" (40.6 cm) x 20" (50.8 cm)

    1/4" (0.6 cm) mesh welded hardware cloth 18" (45.7 cm) x 22" (55.9 cm)

    Commercial heating unit or porcelain socket and light bulb

    Cake tin (water pan) 1-1/2" (3.8 cm) deep x approximately 9" (22.8 cm) x 14" (35.6 cm)


    Masking or scotch tape


    Two brooding or incubator thermometers


    Top view of a cardboard box incubator. The drawings show you how to construct the box. (Courtesy of E. A. Schano, Cornell University.) (Fig. 1)  found at -

    The incubator is made in the following manner:

    Place the smaller box inside the larger one. The inner box should be higher than the outer box and approximately 2 inches (5 cm) smaller in both length and width.

    Mark a line on the inside box approximately 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) below the level of the outside box. Use a yardstick to make a straight line on the inner box after it is removed from the outer box.

    Cut off the top of the inside box along the line made in step number 2.

    Use cut-away pieces of the inside box to line the bottoms of both the inner and outer boxes where the flaps do not meet. If there are no cut-away pieces, use pieces from a third box.

    Put glue on the bottom of the inner box arid then center the inner box in the outer one. There should be a 1-inch (2.5 cm) space between the sides of the boxes. Secure the inner box until the glue dries.

    Mark a line on the flaps of the outside box where they come in contact with the inner edge of the inside box.

    Cut off the flaps of the outside box along the lines drawn in step number 6. Cut the corner pieces on a diagonal so that they will make a neat, flat corner.

    Stuff strips of newspaper lightly into the space between the boxes. Do not bulge the sides of the incubator. Wood shavings, excelsior, or styrofoam can be used in place of the newspaper strips.

    Use tin snips to cut a 2-inch (5 cm) square from each corner of the 1/4 inch (.6 cm) mesh hardware cloth, then bend the projecting pieces of the screen down so that they form legs to support the screen.

    Place the cake tin, which will cover about onehalf of the surface area of the inside box, under the hardware cloth screen.

    Install the commercial heating element as directed in the instructions sent with the unit. If you use an electric light for heat, mount the porcelain socket on a board 6 inches (15 cm) square, then place the mounting board on the screen. Next, place a tube of cardboard around the light. Position the tube so that it surrounds the light and stands like a chimney, but to reduce the fire hazard do not let it come in contact with either the light bulb or the covering glass. An oatmeal box makes a good tube.

    Tape the flaps of the outer box to the sides of the inner box. This seals the area in which the insulating material was placed.


    The following materials are needed:



    Cake tin

    1/4" (.6 cm) mesh welded hardware cloth

    Heating unit: either a commercial unit or porcelain socket and light bulb

    Masking tape


    End view of a plywood incubator. Note the tin vent covers for control of humidity and temperature. Glass viewing top is sealed at the sides with masking tape. (Courtesy of John Bezpa, Rutgers University.) (Fig. 2)  


    Side view of the plywood box incubator shown in Fig. 2 (Courtesy of John Bezpa, Rutgers University.) (Fig. 3)  

    You may construct the incubator according to the size desired. It can be a small one for only a few eggs, or it can be a somewhat larger one which will hold several dozen eggs. The larger the incubator, the more difficult it will be to maintain a uniform temperature in it. In fact, you may find it important in the larger incubator to put in a small fan (3- or 4-inch (7- or 10- cm) blade or smaller) with a low revolving rate. For details concerning the construction of a small incubator for about 24 eggs, see Figs. 2 and 3.

  5. you can make incubators as these other people have suggested, but know you have to TURN the eggs every so often, thats why it is best to buy an incubator because they usually come with an egg turner already in

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