
How do i make a scarf puppet??

by  |  earlier

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I have been searching online for scarf puppet making tutorials and have found nothing. All i need to know is the measurments i need for the cloth material, the string measurments and the control measurments. Oh yeah and i need to know how i string the puppet, like whihc strings go where.

For the string measurments i mean for example the strings that go on the head, how long are those strings suppose to be?

And how long are the strings on the arms supposed to be?




  1. Here's a tutorial:

    And a video on Youtube that might help:

    The strings can be as long or short as you like: the longer the string, the lower down the puppet will be from your hand/control, the shorter they are, the closer they will be to your hand. It all depends on how far away you want the puppet to be.  Generally though, if you follow the instructions properly, the string for the head will be shorter than the strings for the arms (think about it: arms are always further away from the top of the body than the head is).

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