
How do i make a speech about George Washington and why he is a great leader? pls help?

by  |  earlier

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hi, so i need a 2 minute speech about leadership, and im going to do one about G. Washington, and why he is a great leader.

my intro would be what qualities a good leader should have.

my middle would be an example (G.Washington) and why.

finally would be.. i haven't gotten that far yet , anyway pls help me out




  1. correction he WAS a great leader because  he is kinda dead lol  

  2. sorry i don't know the answer, have you tried

  3. First off, Georgie boy is dead, so it would be "was" not "is".

    Second, I'd pick someone else--my guess is you have little idea what George Washington did or how he interacted with people.

    If you stick with G.W., highlight one particular event--his time as a General during the Rev. War.  My history is terrible, but I seem to be recall he trudged it out with his troops during some harsh winter.  So "leading from the front" (i.e. suffering with your troops, by example) is a good example of leadership.

    A second must have (and probably the most important), which you rarely find in politicians these days is Integrity.  Can you imagine Bill Clinton or George Bush stepping down after 8 years if they didn't have to?  George Washington saw it as necessary for a president to only serve two terms for the benefit of our democracy, though he could have easily served on longer if he wanted.

    Looking out for what's best for the nation is a rare quality: there are a laundry list of senators and congress men/women who only look out for themselves or only their particular state (read: Alaska).

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